• Payment Plugins Poll

    We need your feedback on the need for updated payment plugins. Please go here and give us your feedback.

  • Joomla 5.1

    For running J!5.1 you must install Fabrik 4.1
    See also Announcements

  • Subscription and download (Fabrik 4.1 for J!4.2+ and J!5.1) are working now

    See Announcement
    Please post subscription questions and issues here

    We have resolved the issue with the J! updater and this will be fixed in the next release.

Upgrade instructions (F3)

  • Views Views: 25,228
  • Last updated Last updated:
  • Introduction

    There are three scenarios that are possible when upgrading. Please choose the scenario that matches your situation.

    1. You have installed Fabrik 3.x via the Joomla installer and have made no updates via GitHub, a new version has been released and you would like to upgrade to this new version.
    2. You have installed Fabrik 3.x via the Joomla installer and have been updating via GitHub, a new version has been released and you would like to upgrade to this new version.
    3. You are running Fabrik 2 and would like to migrate to Fabrik 3.
    If you chose scenario 1, you will be performing a 'Standard Upgrade'.

    If you chose scenario 2, you will be performing a 'GitHub Update'.

    If you chose scenario 3, please visit the 'Migrating From Fabrik 2' page.

    General Instructions

    The following steps should be completed before upgrading and apply to all types of upgrade:

    After any upgrade/update you should log out and clear all browser cache.

    Standard Upgrade

    To perform a 'Standard Upgrade', simply follow the same procedure as if you were installing Fabrik for the first time.

    GitHub Update

    At the time of a official version release, we recommend users who are updating from GitHub, to upgrade Fabrik via the Joomla installer and then continue to 'update from GitHub'.

    This is because the installer/upgrader may apply additional database changes which would not be applied if you only updated from GitHub.

    For instructions on how to 'update from GitHub', click here.