Upgrade instructions
As always backup your site files and database before starting!
There are no structure database changes between Fabrik 3.0 and 3.4+.
"Fabrik3.4+" is referring to the latest Fabrik version, 3.4.3 at time of writing (May 2016)
Fabrik3.4+ can't be installed on Joomla2.5.x, so
- disable the Fabrik System plugin (in Extensions/Plugins)
- update Joomla to 3.5.1 (May 2016)
- not necessary but recommended: rename the existing Fabrik list and form template folders (components/com_fabrik/view/xxx/tmpl to e.g. components/com_fabrik/view/xxx_old/tmpl)
Install Fabrik3.4+ (download from
https://fabrikar.com/download or install via ExtentionManager/Install from web).
If you are running a GitHub update grab the most recent Fabrik 3.4+ files from
https://github.com/Fabrik/fabrik/tree/joomla3 - by clicking on the "download zip" button.
You can then ftp those files to your site.
Enable Fabrik
System plugin (if still disabled).
Breaking change:
- Element JavaScript - we now encode the Javascript events when we save the element. So you will need to edit and save any Elements which use Javascript actions. Tip: to quickly identify which Elements have Javascript events, issue the following sql on your database (I use MijoSql from JED)
SELECT DISTINCT element_id FROM #__fabrik_jsactions ORDER BY element_id ASC
- Form/List JavaScript - Please ensure you use the Fabrik JavaScript template outlined here
- Dates - we have moved to use PHP's date()format Options to keep in line with a change in Joomla's date handling. You should edit your date Elements and update their formatting Options. Alternatively you can try this (use at own risk): (Remark: this will only remove % from date format, but there have to be some more changes, e.g.%H:%M -->H:i etc)
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
// Get the site configuration and make a db connection
$Config = new JConfig();
$connection = mysql_connect($Config->host,$Config->user, $Config->password);
/* List all the date type Elements */
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$Elements = $db->loadObjectList();
if ( empty($Elements) ) {
echo "There are no date Elements";
} else {
$properties = array("date_table_format",
/* Run through each element and update the formats by stripping the % */
foreach($Elements as $element) {
$data = json_decode($element->params);
if (!isset($data) || empty($data))
foreach ($properties as $property) {
if (property_exists($data, $property))
$data->$property = str_replace("%", "", $data->$property);
/* renecode the data and write to the db */
$element->params = json_encode($data);
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
->set('params="' . mysql_real_escape_string($element->params,$connection) .'"' )
->where('id=' . $element->id);
- Templates:
- If you are updating to Joomla3 rename components/com_fabrik/views/list/tmpl to e.g. components/com_fabrik/views/tmpl_old (same with form) so that you won't get tmpl-folders including old F3.0 and new F3.2 templates
- Fabrik is providing new templates using Bootstrap (list: Bootstrap, div; form/details: Bootstrap, bootstrap_tabs)
- Details view template are now in their own folder: components/com_fabrik/views/details/tmpl (or tmpl25 see below...)
- So if you have selected specific templates in either
- Menu items
- the list/form admin page
- the module admin page
- a content plug-in declaration
Then you should edit and alter the templates
- If you are still using Joomla 2.5 (with Fabrik3.2 only): the old core Fabrik3.0.x templates can be found in components/com_fabrik/views/xxx/tmpl25
New Requirements
Sometimes there have been issues with different system plugins.
So it's recommended to disable the Fabrik
System plugin (Extensions/PluginManager), then update to Joomla3.x, then enable the Fabrik
System plugin again.
Know issues/manually to change (Dec. 2014), please add any others
- Element settings in general: Edit/Add access
- Textarea element: truncation
- Custom PHP code (in scripts or php code fields):
Example script to update date and element settings via manual scheduled task
copy upgrade30to32.php to your-site\plugins\fabrik_cron\php\scripts\
create a Fabrik scheduled task, type php
select any table, select this script
Per default it will do a testrun with debug output but without DB changes (see script for details).
Example DB queries