SMS form plugin

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  • Introduction​

    The SMS plugin allows you to send an SMS when a form is submitted



    • Gateway- The gateway service to use when sending the SMS
    • Username - The gateway username. Some gateways may not have a "username", like for Twilio, you would put the "account SID" here, from
    • Password - The gateway password. Some gateways may not have a "password", like for Twilio you put put the Auth Token here, from
    • Receivers mobile number - comma separated numbers to send to more than one phone, can use {Placeholders}.
    • Senders mobile number - The mobile number that the sms will come from, can use {Placeholders}.
    • Message - the message you would like to send. Can use {Placeholders}. If left blank all the form's data is sent. (since 20/01/2015)
    In fabrik 3+, gateways are found in ./components/com_fabrik/helpers/sms_gateways .They are simple classes that should have the same name as their file name. You can add new ones, or ask us to write new ones for you (we'll probably charge a small fee).

    To use the Twilio gateway, you must have either updated from github, or installed the Library package from our downloads area, which adds the Composer library needed for Twilio.

    Sending from other countries?​

    Currently we support sending from UK, USA and Canada, if do not live in these countries and need a solution please contact us for a quote on researching SMS providers in your country and implementing a gateway for the provider.