Alphauserpoints form plugin

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  • This form plug-in works in conjunction with Alpha User Points and is tested with version 1.8.x (for Joomla 2.5) and 1.9 beta for (Joomla 3.x)

    You must have installed Alpha User Points and set it up correctly as per instructions on their site.

    You should also make Alpha User points rules that this plug-in can then use. Here is an example screen shot of a Alpha User Points rule for Fabrik



    • Alpha User Points plug-in - the name of the rule you wish to use when attributing points
    • User - the id of the user which will receive points. Can use {Placeholders} - in this example we are assigning the points to the current logged in user.
    • Custom points - override the selected rule's points value with this. Can use {Placeholders}
    • Points data - additional information that is recorded when the points are assigned, Can use Placeholders