Installation Tasks
Install the Fabrik Fusion Charts plug-in
Download and install
Create a folder fusioncharts-suite-xt at ./plugins/fabrik_visualization/fusionchart/libs
Installing Fusion Charts
(Fabrik3.9+) This plugin works with the FusionCharts XT product. You can obtain a fully working trial version from
Unzip, upload the entire package to the 'libs/fusioncharts-suite-xt' folder in the Fabrik Fusion Chart plugin, such that the fusioncharts.php wrapper is at ./plugins/fabrik_visualization/fusionchart/libs/fusioncharts-suite-xt/integrations/php/fusioncharts-wrapper/fusioncharts.php.
Make sure to have correct folder access settings (755 for fusioncharts-suite-xt).
Then select the fusioncharts-suite-xt folder in the FusionChart Library selection in the Graph Atttributes tab, If you have a licensed copy or different versions, you can upload them to the same libs location and select the version you want to use.
Repeatable Options
For chart examples, fusionchart Options, settings, best practice of charts etc. see
- Connection - the Fabrik connection containing the list you wish to render
- List - the list containing the data you wish to chart
- Element - the element which contains the data to plot
- Chart label - if you want a legend on your chart enter a label here
- Element Type
- data set
- trend line - Trend lines are horizontal/vertical lines spanning the chart canvas which aid in interpretation of data with respect to some pre-determined value.
- Colour - Sets the background colour for the canvas. HEX colour code WITHOUT "#" at the beginning (e.g. ff0000). FusionCharts Attribute: canvasBgColor
- Alpha
- Label Step Ratio
- Label
- Axis measurement unit
- Dual Y Label
- Multi Axis Attrs
- Where - (Like a list pre-filter) Add a where SQL statement to filter the table results. E.g. name = 'rob'. You may use {Placeholders} for query string args, but if you do, don't use quotes, as we automagically urldecode, sanitize and quote any query string substitutions, so just foo={bar} becomes foo='whatever bar qs arg was'.
Graph Attributes
For details see tooltips (hover the labels), for examples, fusionchart attributes, settings, best practice of charts etc. see
- Version
- Chart type
- Chart Palette
- Palette Colors
- Width
- Height
- Template
- Loading Message
- Parsing Data Message
- No Data Message
- Custom attributes
Trend Line specific attributes
For details see tooltips (hover the labels), for examples, fusionchart attributes, settings, best practice of charts etc. see
- Label - The label to use for this element
- Start Value
- End Value
- Show on top
- Is a Zone
Background Properties
For details see tooltips (hover the labels), for examples, fusionchart attributes, settings, best practice of charts etc. see
Canvas or Pies Properties
For details see tooltips (hover the labels), for examples, fusionchart attributes, settings, best practice of charts etc. see
- Color
- Alpha
- Border color
- Border Thickness
Chart and Axis Titles
For details see tooltips (hover the labels), for examples, fusionchart attributes, settings, best practice of charts etc. see
- Caption
- Sub-caption
- x-Axis name
- y-Axis name
Chart Numerical Limits
For details see tooltips (hover the labels), for examples, fusionchart attributes, settings, best practice of charts etc. see
- y-Axis Min value
- y-Axis Max value
General Properties
For details see tooltips (hover the labels), for examples, fusionchart attributes, settings, best practice of charts etc. see
- Show Names
- Show Values
- Show Limits
- Rotate Names x-Axis
- Slant Names x-Axis
- Rotate Values
- Values inside
- Animation - Whether the animation is to be played or whether the entire chart would be rendered at one go. FusionCharts Attribute: animation
- Column Shadow
- Num. Visible
Font Properties
For details see tooltips (hover the labels), for examples, fusionchart attributes, settings, best practice of charts etc. see
- Base Font
- Base Font Size
- Base Font Color
- Out-Canvas Base Font
- Out-Canvas Base Font Size
- Out-Canvas Base Font Color
For details see tooltips (hover the labels), for examples, fusionchart attributes, settings, best practice of charts etc. see
- Number Prefix
- Number Suffix
- Format Number
- Format Number Scale
- Decimal Separator
- Thousand Separator
- Decimal Precision
- Division Line Decimal Precision
- Limits Decimal Precision
Zero Plane
For details see tooltips (hover the labels), for examples, fusionchart attributes, settings, best practice of charts etc. see
Divisional Lines (Horizontal)
For details see tooltips (hover the labels), for examples, fusionchart attributes, settings, best practice of charts etc. see
- Number
- Color
- Thickness
- Alpha
- Show Value
- NoYes
- Alternate Horizontal Grid Color
- Alpha
Divisional Lines (Vertical)
For details see tooltips (hover the labels), for examples, fusionchart attributes, settings, best practice of charts etc. see
- Number
- Color
- Thickness
- Alpha
- Alternate Vertical Grid Color
- Alpha
Hover Caption Properties
For details see tooltips (hover the labels), for examples, fusionchart attributes, settings, best practice of charts etc. see
- Show Caption
- Background Color
- Border Color
- Separator character
Chart Margins
For details see tooltips (hover the labels), for examples, fusionchart attributes, settings, best practice of charts etc. see
- Left Margin
- Right Margin
- Top Margin
- Bottom Margin
Simple example
Assuming a Fabrik list "Parties" with id element, party names (name) and percentages of votes (datavalue)
In your fusionchart visualization set
all other
Options are default.
You'll get
Where: [ id > 3 ] will show only columns for "Party4" and "Party5"
Where: [ 1=1 order by datavalue ] will show the columns ordered by percentages