Front end list view
Clicking on the thumbs will toggle the registration of your vote
If the up/down thumbs are coloured (as in the case above) this indicated you have already registered your vote.
Votes are stored in the database table #__fabrik_thumbs
Voters can be anonymous or registered.
Front end form view
- Show down thumb - Can the user down vote the record
- Rate in form - Users can always rate in the table view and details view, If this option is set to yes then the user can additionally rate in the form
- No access message - text to show if the user doesn't have the access rights to rate the record.
Pre-filter on favourites
You may want to show the user a pre-filtered list of items which they have liked. The easiest way to do this is to create a new menu item, pointing to the Fabrik list which uses the thumbs element. Once saved, re-edit the menu item and in the "Fabrik list
Options" tab, press the "prefilter" button and add a record as follows:
- Element: id (the list's primary key)
- Condition: IN
- Value: (replace the 8 with the list's form's id)
SELECT row_id FROM `#__fabrik_thumbs` where user_id = '{$my->id}' and formid = 8 and thumb = 'up'
- Type: query
- Access: public