Lockrow Element Plugin

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      Access element (+)
      Birthday element
      Button element
      Calculation element
      Captcha element
      Checkbox element
      Colour Picker element
      Count element (+)
      Database join element
      Date element
      Digg element
      Display text element
      Dropdown element
      Facebook Like element
      Field element
      File Upload element
      Folder element
      Google Map element
      Image element
         Image databese join
      Internal id element
      IP element
      J!Date element
      Kaltura element
      Link element
      Notes element
      OpenStreetMap element
      Picklist element
      Radio Button element
      Rating element
      Sequence element
      Slider element
      Tags element
      Textarea element
      Thumbs element
      Time element
      Timer element
      Timestamp element
      Total element
      User element
      User group element
      Video element
      View level element
      YesNo element
      Youtube element
      Akismet validation
      Is Email validation
      Is Not validation
      Is Numeric validation
      Not empty validation
      PHP validation
      Rsa id
  • The Lockrow Element Plugin can be used to lock list rows while somebody is editing the row. Depending on the Options the row will be unlocked when submitted, will be unlocked for a period of time if submission is not performed.

    • While there is a Default field in the settings, it is not used at this time.


    • Lock TTL:
      • Time to Live, in minutes. This setting is used if a user edits a record but never submits it. If a record is locked because it is being edited and not submitted, it will remain locked for this period of time at which point it will be unlocked. This is useful is the user edits a row, but never submits the form. If "Allow User Unlock" is enabled (see below) the record can also be unlocked by clicking on the lock icon in the list view.
      • There is no provision for 'infinite lock.'
    • Allow User Unlock:
      • Yes: The user who created the lock (by editing the row) can unlock the record by clicking on the lock icon in the list view.
      • No: The record will remain locked till TTL expires.
    • Allow Re-Edit: Allow the lock owner of a locked record to edit the record.
      • Yes: Means a user can open multiple Forms to edit the same record, and can submit any or all of them (potentially overwriting changes), subject to the TTL's
      • Exclusive: Means that the user can open a second or subsequent form on the same record, but only the last one opened can be submitted.
      • No: Means that if a user ha a lock on the row, they will not be able to open it for editing, they will have to first unlock it (either by submitting an open form, unlocking in list view or waiting for TTL to expire).
    • Show Icon if Read Only:
      • Yes: If the row is not editable show the Lock Icon
      • No: Don't show the lock icon.
    • Locked Icon: Name of the icon used for locked. If blank it defaults to "lock" which is a locked padlock
    • Unlocked Icon: Name of the icon used for unlocked. If blank it defaults to "unlock" which is an open padlock.