See Announcements
// $model is the list model, we want to get its data and then alter it.
$data = $model->getData();
foreach ($data as $group)
foreach ($group as $row)
// Set a default rgb colour that will be used if nothing has been filled in by the colour picker
$default = '155,20,45' ;
// tablename___colour_raw is the raw full name of the Colour Picker element
$c = (string) $row->tablename___colour_raw === '' ? $default : $row->tablename___colour_raw;
// Update the 'birthday' element, wrapping it with a span with our selected colour.
$row->tablename___birthday = '<span style="color:rgb(' . $c . ')">' . $row->tablename___birthday . '<span>';
// $model is the list model, we want to get its data and then alter it.
$data = $model->getData();
foreach ($data as $group)
foreach ($group as $row)
$nowDate = strtotime($row->events___start_raw);
$thenDate = strtotime("today");
$dateDiff = $thenDate - $nowDate;
$row->events___start = round($dateDiff / 86400);
$data = $model->getData();
foreach ($data as $group) {
foreach ($group as $row) {
$show = $row->employee___show_email_and_location;
if ($show == 0) {
$row->employee___e_mail_address = '';
$row->employee___location = '';
$data = $model->getData();
//Fabrik4 and Fabrik3
$app = Joomla\CMS\Factory::getApplication();
foreach ($data as $group) {
foreach ($group as $row) {
"A row has been deleted!",
"Some message text, perhaps using some form data like this: {$row->tablename___element} "
if (count($f)==0) return;// no filter active
if (in_array('220',$f['elementid']) ||in_array('222',$f['elementid'])) //if a filter is set for element_id 220 or 222
$model->setPluginQueryWhere('some-keyword', "privacy=2");//exclude all records with privacy=2 (will add AND privacy=2 to filter condition)
else {
$model->unsetPluginQueryWhere('some-keyword');//remove the additional filter condition