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Override a Specific Field

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  • Each row of your List is rendered with components/com_fabrik/views/table/tmpl/default_row.php. The standard file for this looks like:

    defined('_JEXEC') or die( 'Restricted access');

    <tr id="<?php echo $this->_row->id;?>" class="<?php echo $this->_row->class;?>">
    <?php foreach ($this->headings as $heading=>$label) {&nbsp;?>
    <td <?php echo $this->cellClass[$heading]?>><?php echo @$this->_row->data->$heading;?></td>
    <?php }?>
    If we want to alter a single cell, in this case replacing the 'email' value with the text 'email address withheld', we can do this:
    defined('_JEXEC') or die( 'Restricted access');

    <tr id="<?php echo $this->_row->id;?>" class="<?php echo $this->_row->class;?>">
    <?php foreach ($this->headings as $heading=>$label) {&nbsp;?>
    <td <?php echo $this->cellClass[$heading]?>>
    <?php if ($heading == 'tablename___email') {
    echo "email address witheld';
    } else {
    echo @$this->_row->data->$heading;
    <?php }?>
    Easy when you know how.