See Announcements
requirejs(['fab/fabrik'], function() {
Fabrik.addEvent('fabrik.list.loaded', function(list) {
var data =;
// data is an array of Groups, each group is an object of rows, each row has a data object, each data object has a __pk_val item which will have the row id
data.each(function (group) {
group.each(function (row) {
// do whatever you need with
requirejs(['fab/fabrik'], function () {
Fabrik.addEvent('fabrik.list.order', function(list, orderBy, orderDir){
alert('aha! list' + + ' was ordered ' + orderBy + ' ' + orderDir); }); // Ran for each list on page
if ( == 165) {
alert('Only run this for list 165');
requirejs(['fab/fabrik'], function () {
// An edit window has been closed
Fabrik.addEvent('fabrik.list.row.edit.close', function (listRef, rowid, k) {
// Update the Lists data
* Creates Fixed table headers and footer in a Fabrik list using the default Bootstrap template.
* How to use:
* 1 Open or create the list_#.js file for the list that contains the table you want to have fixed headers
* 2 Include a call to setHeaders() at the end of the requirejs(['fab/fabrik'] function (as shown below)
* 3 Copy the jQuery(window).scroll(function(event) and function setHeaders() code into that js file
* ( For a default Joomla protostar template using the default Fabrik Bootstrap list template
you can skip steps 4-7 and just replace all instances of '260' in this code with your List id.)
* 4 Examine the page html and identify the id used for the form object
* 5 Replace all instances of "listform_260_com_fabrik_260" with that form id
* 6 Examine the page html and identify the id for the table object
* 7 Replace all instances of "list_260_com_fabrik_260" with that table id
* 8 Take note of any remarks in code beginning with /*** for additional Options/settings.
* Enjoy your 'fixed header'!
* NOTE: It may be necessary to include the setHeaders() call in another fabrik *.js file instead
* - i.e. if you are also using a Fabrik list or Form module on the same page which might affect when this list is shown.
requirejs(['fab/fabrik'], function () {
/* this function checks if passed jQuery object is in viewport of browser */
jQuery.fn.inView = function(){
//Window Object
var win = jQuery(window);
//Object to Check
obj = jQuery(this);
//the top Scroll Position in the page
var scrollPosition = win.scrollTop();
//the end of the visible area in the page, starting from the scroll position
var visibleArea = win.scrollTop() + win.height();
//the end of the object to check
var objEndPos = (obj.offset().top + obj.outerHeight());
return(visibleArea >= objEndPos && scrollPosition <= objEndPos ? true : false)
/* The scroll event listener */
/* Get the current table vertical position as page is scrolled */
window.tableFromTop = window.thisTable.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.pageYOffset;
/* Get the vertical scroll position of entire document */
var tgBodyTop = jQuery(window).scrollTop();
/* Get the horizontal scroll position of entire document */
var tgBodyLeft = document.getElementById("list_260_com_fabrik_260").offsetLeft - jQuery(window).scrollLeft();
/* detach/attach table header */
if(tgBodyTop > window.tableFromTop) {
if(jQuery("#listform_260_com_fabrik_260 div.fabrikDataContainer table.temptable").length==0){
var temphead = jQuery("table#list_260_com_fabrik_260 thead").clone();
/* Create fixed header */
var tableclasses = document.getElementById("list_260_com_fabrik_260").className;
/* The z-index may have to be set higher if the fixed header is not 'on top' */
jQuery("#listform_260_com_fabrik_260 div.fabrikDataContainer").prepend('<table class="'+tableclasses+' temptable" style="width:'+window.tablewidth+'px;z-index:1"><thead>'+jQuery(temphead).html()+'</thead></table>');
/* Note: Set the "top:" fixed position for table header in function setHeaders() */
if(jQuery("#listform_260_com_fabrik_260 div.fabrikDataContainer table.temptable").length){
jQuery("#listform_260_com_fabrik_260 div.fabrikDataContainer table.temptable").remove();
/*** Remove this section to not process detach/attach table footer ***/
if(jQuery("#bottdiv").inView() == true || tgBodyTop+window.viewHeight < window.tableFromTop+window.theadHeight+window.tfootHeight+1) {
/* Un-dock footer if table is outside viewport or normal footer would already be in viewport */
/* Dock the footer if table is in viewport and normal footer is outside of viewport */
if(tgBodyTop+window.viewHeight-window.theadHeight-window.tfootHeight > window.tableFromTop) {
jQuery("#list_260_com_fabrik_260 tfoot").addClass("docked");
/* May need to increase z-index value if any list Elements overlay footer when scrolled */
/* Reset the fixed headers if window gets resized */
jQuery( window ).resize(function() {
/* main function call for fixed headers/footer -
call this function as the last line in the requirejs(['fab/fabrik'], function () */
function setHeaders() {
/*** Set window.fixedMenuHeight to the height of fixed page header/menu - 0 if none) ***/
window.fixedMenuHeight = 34;
/* clear settings if any are set */
jQuery("#list_260_com_fabrik_260 tfoot").removeClass("docked");
jQuery("#listform_260_com_fabrik_260 div.fabrikDataContainer table.temptable").remove();
/* initialize window variables */
window.thisTable = document.getElementById("list_260_com_fabrik_260");
window.tableFromTop = window.thisTable.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.pageYOffset;
window.theadHeight = document.getElementById("list_260_com_fabrik_260").getElementsByTagName('thead')[0].clientHeight;
window.tfootHeight = document.getElementById("list_260_com_fabrik_260").getElementsByTagName('tfoot')[0].clientHeight;
window.viewHeight = jQuery(window).height();
/* Create an empty div to identify the bottom of the table view, where the footer would normally be */
jQuery(jQuery("<div>",{id:"bottdiv"})).appendTo("#listform_260_com_fabrik_260 div.fabrikDataContainer");
/* initializes vars for css styling of each table header (th) - width, padding */
window.tablewidth = document.getElementById("list_260_com_fabrik_260").clientWidth;
var xwidth,xpad;
// sets width and padding of each column as css style so cloned header will have it
jQuery("table#list_260_com_fabrik_260 thead tr th").each(function (){
xwidth = jQuery(this).width();
xpad = jQuery(this).css('padding');
/*** Note each remark for scrollTop Options. ***/
/* This topPos value would scroll to the top of the list form */
// var topPos = document.getElementById("listform_260_com_fabrik_260").getBoundingClientRect().top + window.pageYOffset - window.fixedMenuHeight ;
/* This topPos value would scroll to the top of the table */
// var topPos = document.getElementById("list_260_com_fabrik_260").getBoundingClientRect().top + window.pageYOffset - window.fixedMenuHeight ;
/* If you have included a page class in the menu this would scroll to the top of the page (replace "onlinesurvey" with your page class name) */
var topPos = document.getElementsByClassName("onlinesurvey")[0].getBoundingClientRect().top + window.pageYOffset - window.fixedMenuHeight;
/*** Remark out the next line or remove this section if you don't want to scroll to the list/table/page on page load ***/
jQuery("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: topPos });