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Hide element in pdf

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if I use
$element = $this->groups['group1']->elements['element1_raw'];
<?php echo $element->label_raw;?> --> BLANK
<?php echo $element->element;?> --> BLANK

I am frustrated
Did you var_dump($element) and/or $this->groups['group1'] and/or $this->groups and/or ... to see what you really have in your data?

I assume group1, element1 are not your real group/element names.
<?php var_dump($this->groups['manutenzioni macchina']->elements['intervento1']); ?>


object(stdClass)#1491 (24) { ["startRow"]=> int(1) ["endRow"]=> int(0) ["error"]=> string(0) "" ["plugin"]=> string(8) "dropdown" ["hidden"]=> bool(false) ["id"]=> string(50) "piani_di_manutenzione_54_repeat___intervento1_ro_0" ["className"]=> string(56) "fb_el_piani_di_manutenzione_54_repeat___intervento1_ro_0" ["containerClass"]=> string(159) "fabrikElementContainer plg-dropdown fb_el_piani_di_manutenzione_54_repeat___intervento1_ro_0 fabrikRepeatGroup___piani_di_manutenzione_54_repeat___intervento1 " ["element"]=> string(184) "
Controllo corretto funzionamento delle alette di distribuzione dell’aria ove presenti
" ["label_raw"]=> string(10) "Intervento" ["label"]=> string(129) "Intervento" ["errorTag"]=> string(48) " " ["element_ro"]=> string(87) "Controllo corretto funzionamento delle alette di distribuzione dell’aria ove presenti" ["value"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(1) "9" } ["element_raw"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(1) "9" } ["dataEmpty"]=> bool(false) ["labels"]=> int(1) ["dlabels"]=> int(1) ["tipAbove"]=> string(0) "" ["tipBelow"]=> string(0) "" ["tipSide"]=> string(0) "" ["offset"]=> int(0) ["column"]=> string(42) " style="float:left;width:10%;clear:both;" " ["span"]=> string(6) " span2" }
Try this one:

$element_data = $this->groups['group1']->elements['intervento1']->element_raw;
$element = $this->groups['group1']->elements['intervento1'];

if ($element_data == 9) { ?>
   <div class="control-group <?php echo $element->containerClass; ?>">
           <div class="fabrikLabel myLabel">
                   <?php echo $element->label_raw; ?>

              <div class="fabrikElement myElement">
                        <?php echo $element->element; ?>
<?php }

or bit shorter (add css for new classes in custom_css.php file)

$element_data = $this->groups['group1']->elements['intervento1']->element_raw;
if ($element_data == 9) { ?>
    <div class="myRow">
             <div class="myLabel">Intervento</div>
             <div class="myData"><?php echo $element_data; ?></div>
<?php }
$element_data1 = $this->groups['manutenzioni macchina']->elements['intervento1']->element_raw;
$element_data2 = $this->groups['manutenzioni macchina']->elements['intervento2']->element_raw;
$element_data3 = $this->groups['manutenzioni macchina']->elements['intervento3']->element_raw;

$element1 = $this->groups['manutenzioni macchina']->elements['intervento1'];
$element2 = $this->groups['manutenzioni macchina']->elements['intervento2'];
$element3 = $this->groups['manutenzioni macchina']->elements['intervento3'];

<div style="<?php if ($element_data1 == 0) { echo "display:none;"; } else { echo "ciao"; }?>">
<div class="fabrikLabel myLabel">
<?php echo $element1->label_raw;?>
<div class="fabrikElement myElement">
<?php echo $element1->element;?>
<div style="<?php if ($element_data2 == 0) { echo "display:none;"; } else { echo "ciao"; }?>">
<div class="fabrikLabel myLabel">
<?php echo $element2->label_raw;?>
<div class="fabrikElement myElement">
<?php echo $element2->element;?>
<div style="<?php if ($element_data3 == 0) { echo "display:none;"; } else { echo "ciao"; }?>">
<div class="fabrikLabel myLabel">
<?php echo $element3->label_raw;?>
<div class="fabrikElement myElement">
<?php echo $element3->element;?>

<?php var_dump($element_data1); ?>
<?php var_dump($element_data2); ?>
<?php var_dump($element_data3); ?>


Controllo assorbimento motore elettrico e verifica delle connessioni
Controllo carica antigelo
array(1) { [0]=> string(1) "2" }
array(1) { [0]=> string(1) "5" }
array(1) { [0]=> string(1) "0" }

so, the last should be hidden but it doesn't work
in the source, I see style="ciao" for every DIV
array(1) { [0]=> string(1) "0"
As you can see (that's what var_dump is for) these are arrays containing strings.

You must use the data you get to build your condition
if ($element_data3[0] == '0')
This is not Fabrik but CSS, something like
#groupX {page-break-after:always}

Inspect your pagesource to get the group's HTML id
everyting works
can you tell me how can I add a print (pdf) button in the list? now I have to show details to be able to generate the pdf


  • list.jpg
    12.9 KB · Views: 104
You can add a hidden element creating the button and the link (and/or with a custom "link to details" in the element's and/or "Icon" settings "List view" settings) and show it in the list view.
Can be display, field, button, calc...
I can't understand...
Create an element called "pdf"
-> plug-in "button"
-> "javascript window.location.href = 'URL';"
-> show in list
result - > blank

Thanks for everything!
Now I have my own custom template for pdf output but I don't know how to call an element when the group is a "repeat" group.
So, in which way can I get the element from the second repeat group?
Can you help me Troester?
Repeat data are usualy in table. So create table something like below:

<table class="myTable">
        <th>Item No. </th>
        <th>Elem1 </th>
        <th>Elem2 </th>
        <th>Elem3 </th>
        <th>Elem4 </th>

//seting group and elements
    $this->group = next($this->groups);
    $this->elements = $this->group->elements;

    //echo "<pre>";print_r( $this->groups);exit;  /* check group  */

    $group = $this->group;
    $this->i = 0;

// iretate through  group elements to get data and create rows and cells for each repeat item
    foreach ($group->subgroups as $subgroup) :
        $this->elements = $subgroup;

        $c = $this->i;  /* counter for #items */

        /*      Elements        */
        $elem1  = $this->elements['elem1']->element_raw;
        $elem2  = $this->elements['elem2']->element;
        $elem3  = $this->elements['elem3']->element_ro;
        $elem4  = $this->elements['elem4']->element_ro;

            <td style="text-align: center;"><?php echo $c + 1, '.'; ?></td>
            <td style="text-align: left;"><?php echo $elem1; ?> </td>
            <td style="text-align: center;"><?php echo $elem2; ?> </td>
            <td style="text-align: center;"><?php echo $elem3; ?> </td>
            <td style="text-align: center;"><?php echo $elem4; ?> </td>


This is my way for pdf reports. I'm sure it can be done the other way too.
Last edited:
great... but
This is my code:

<div style="<?php if ($element_data1[0] == '0') { echo "display:none;"; } ?>" class="fabrikElement myElement">
<?php echo $intervento1;?>
there are 18 elements

this hide the DIV but if in the first group have 5 elements shows the second group stop at the 5th line

1st group
element1 = ok
element2 = ok
element3 = ok
element4 = ok
element5 = ok
element6 = 0
result correct (element6 hide)

2nd group
element1 = ok
element2 = ok
element3 = ok
element4 = ok
element5 = ok
element6 = OK
the element6 not show

the same thing happened for the next group

it seems that the cycle stops at the fifth element also for the following groups
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