Fullcalendar broken on F3.4.3 and current github


Staff member
I updated my site to 3.4.3 and current github and now when I try and open the fullcalendar vis I am getting a javascript error stating that fabrikFullCalendar is not a constructor. Here is a screen grab: http://prntscr.com/aysevf

Nothing else has changed that I can think of.
zzzzz54, can you post this on the professional forum? Maybe we will get more traction there.
It's something to do with the sweeping changes we having having to make to our JS loading methods, as part of the slow migration from Mootools to jQuery. I'm trying to vector some time with Rob to figure it out.

-- hugh
I?m still using the old calendar viz. I hope that you guys could spare some time for this, because the old calendar still having issues with the wrong data showed inside the popup window (please see this link for reference).

thanks in advance
zzzz54, Once Rob/Hugh fix this current issue I strongly recommend you build a new app with the Fullcalendar viz. Once you get it up if you run into problems post them in here. I did a lot of work getting the vis working and will try and support it as best I can.
very thanks achartier, I certainly will do that. Also I?m thinking that my issue could be related to the template (yootheme-digit), please tell me if you know in your experience if that could be another cause for the viz showing a blank page. (I apologize if i?m breaking the rules of the forum for mention this here).

any directions will be apreciated, :)

/// update: I?ve just tryed with protostar template and adding tmpl=component in the url to discard that possibility. Same result.
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Thanks achartier, but still having issues: now says

Uncaught TypeError: h.calendar.fullCalendar is not a function

and only shows the filters but calendar still missing.

// update:

everything that i?ve found about this issue, says that could be related to script loads order. I don?t know if this could be usefull, i?m just hoping.

i.e.: link

I just came across this issue too. I'm using Angular 1.3.15 + Bootstrap 3 and the only order of .js files that works for me is:

  • Angular
  • jQuery
  • jQuery UI
  • Bootstrap
  • Moment
  • FullCalendar
I hope that saves someone a bit of frustration in the future!
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Am getting a new warning when I load the calendar: Deprecation warning: Accessing Moment through the global scope is deprecated, and will be removed in an upcoming release.

Also, when I open the add event window and select the event type once the add event window opens I am get a couple of fatal javascript errors: http://prntscr.com/b05ywe

Updated from git since Hugh's minified posting, same problem.

Hugh/Rob, any ideas?
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