Fileupload Delete button not working if form layout is bootstrap_tabs

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If the form layout is bootstrap everything is fine. However if form layout is bootstrap_tabs, when fileupload delete button clicked a soft confirmation dialog appears but nothing happens whether yes or no button is clicked. The filename is still there and if save button clicked the fileupload element still contains the filename and file is still in the server also.
can you check your browsers debug console and see if there are any javascript errors before or when you click on the delete button. Also, check that you do not have J! debug enabled as it can cause all kinds of issues with ajax calls.
thank you for your reply. the same problem with J! debug disabled. Here is my browsers debug console errors:

Fabrik form::addElements: Cannot add element "pratik___resim1" of type "FbFileUpload" because: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'getParent')
Fabrik form::addElements: Cannot add element "pratik___resim2" of type "FbFileUpload" because: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'getParent')
Fabrik form::addElements: Cannot add element "pratik___resim3" of type "FbFileUpload" because: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'getParent')
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'id')
at Object.doDelete (fileupload-min.js:3:3410)
at s.extend.$owner (mootools-core.js:3:17367)
at HTMLButtonElement.dispatch (jquery.min.js?3.6.3:2:43336)
at y.handle (jquery.min.js?3.6.3:2:41320)

when i change my form layout template from bootstrap_taps to bootstrap, no errors and everything works fine.
Is your site accessible so I can see what is happening? I suspect there was a change to the markup of Bootstrap5 and some javascript needs updating.
It's replicatable.
But I don't see an obvious solution
(In case of bootstrap_tabs this.form is undefined in fileupload.js onDelete() )
Thank you for your effort. However it used to work for joomla 3x php7 and fabrik 3x. Do you think the problem is related with bootstrap5?
It's a new Joomla, new php, new jQuery, new bootstrap, new Fabrik with massive adaptions...

But hopefully fixed with the next release
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