database has become really slow


hello, my site with a fabrik db has become really slow..lots of cpu and I/O resources consumptions
I have a questionnaire with say 60 answer yes/no/NA and there are now around 100 record
So i don't think the db is too big
May be there are other issue related (joomla?) which i haven't found yet, meanwhile i would like to knowo if fabrik can give similar issue and what i should check to make sure fabrik is ok
Thank you
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Probably there are many queries in your fabrik that makes the communication with the database slow. Consider to create one or more (nested) views in the database instead. A view is a query, written in SQL, that resides and runs on the database and is always more efficient and a lot faster than a query created in fabrik. You can create views in phpMyAdmin. See for more info. A view can then be used in fabrik as a normal table.
for now the db it is only used in insert there are calc plugin that check the first answer Y/N and assign a value accordingly
Really this can hit the resources so that the host make restriction resulting in very slow access? it is slow even opening the home page

today that resources are again normal the site is fine
So it is like there are period that resourcers that the site use, go over the limit and the provider apply a restriction.Once the restriction is over everyhting is fine again..for how much i don't that was the first time it happened

anyway..the view should replace the search i do in the db if i understand?or it is useful also for inserting data?
the area "visualization" in Fabrik..has nothing to do with it?
So i create a VIEW (if i will ever be able to.. :)) , this should be done in phpmyadmin right? then how i use it in fabrik?
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A view can not be used to insert data. There is much to find online how to create a view. SQL code is easy to learn and more simple than PHP. You can even do calculations in a view instead of doing that in a calc. You use a view in fabrik like a normal table, so you can create a list and select your view as the table. Also see the fabrik wiki for more info.
ok and what i was thinking for now the db is used only to insert 1) the view don't help 2) probably it is not this the issue?
A view can not be used to insert data. There is much to find online how to create a view. SQL code is easy to learn and more simple than PHP. You can even do calculations in a view instead of doing that in a calc. You use a view in fabrik like a normal table, so you can create a list and select your view as the table. Also see the fabrik wiki for more info.
i m interested anyway in doing calculation in view instead of calc. Can you exaplin me more? of course i need it for inputting data though
MySQL views are readonly (so only useful for list views or record display, not forms).

It's not clear where you have the difficulties: list view? form view?
You have some other thread about a slow form.
MySQL views are readonly (so only useful for list views or record display, not forms).

It's not clear where you have the difficulties: list view? form view?
You have some other thread about a slow form.
this it is not slow form as i "complain" before, but it is totally different thing
It is like the whole site use too many resources (disk access and I/o) so it get limited from provider,: results is that for 12 hourse the site works really slow
Even opening the home page it is anything else is slow..but because provider limits because of too many resources used earlier
So there must be something going on that uses a lots of host's resources
It could be something from Joomla..but i have none other than fabrik in Joomla
It could be somehting that caused by Fabrik. These days fabrik is used only to insert is unlikely that inserting datas would cause too muche resources consumption. is it?
Doing lots of search may be..but inserting datas?
So now my need is to trying to understand if Fabrik in some way can use too many resources while entry datas?

so list view it is not good to have some query already done..for example a query that show all answer yes at question n°10
If you can't see the server logs yourself, ask your service provider which processes are causing the high resource usage. Otherwise you're just guessing. May not be Fabrik related at all.
If you can't see the server logs yourself, ask your service provider which processes are causing the high resource usage. Otherwise you're just guessing. May not be Fabrik related at all.
i agree..
but provider don't tell me anything but the usage hit the limit..and told me to check what script were coing on when the limit was hit
So i don't know much about..i don't even know exactly when the limit was hit..IN the site for what i know there is nothing running, a part of fabrik
And fabrik is used only to insert data now..and there are no 10 persons inserting data..but one that slowly inseert data after readind a question to a patient and having the it is not a machine-fast insert

all they can say is that the report indicate this

as source if problem

but it seems really unuseful
p.s. private_html is just a shortcut to public_html
don't know why the log indicate the private instead the public
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for example i have tried now to use the filter option in the list view
I have a field yes/no so i have first used filter for yes, and the answer was quick, then i searched for no..and it hang for a while, and i could see the fault in cpu usage..hitting the 100% limit
One question, about all..does fabrik need a very good performinc host may be? may one is a cheap one and may be i don't have so much resources available

or may be fabrik 4 is not yet well optimized?

my host, for testing pourposes has upgrade the account to 2 cpu and 2gb ram , the double of what i have now
Well..did 3,4 search with the filter again and i hit 100%
how is it possible?why the simple operation of filtering a yes/no option it is so resource hungy?
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Is the limit hit only with that one list?
Does it do the same when you disable all your calc elements in that list (totally disable, not just hide from list view)?

In my experience server optimization is very important for things to run smoothly. I remember once having a Windows Server based service which has very good technical parameters "on paper", but Joomla / Fabrik was running really slow. After switching to another service, which has similar technical parameters, things started to fly.
i am going to try to disable all calc
When i use the form to insert data, and i choose YES or NO, the calc take a little while before outputting the answer D or N..i can see for 1,2 seconds the thing spinning
But when i use th efilter on yes/no component calc is not used...It happen that i select YES..and it anser suddendly, then i seacrh for NO..and it is very if two consecutive seacrh give troubles
I am working now with a test site, with only 10 records..and it is still very slow at times (well i suddendly hit resources here as well so i already have some limit
It might be the server..yes..but not sure
what server should i search for then?
i disable all calc elements (147)
and tried the filter on yes/No
first search ok..second one site hang for ever ( i repeat that now i am under resources limitation..but still it is very easy task)
i specify..this happen when the search are close one to anotehr..if i wait a while they both works well

anyway..i see that this calc are not so nice..even when inserting data they are somehow slow
but what to use instead?

my usage of calc is just to return th raw value of the radiobutton /radiobutton has LABEL S and RAWVALUE E for example)
Very simple...that's why is so strange that calc cause so much problems...but what to do instead?
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the provider give me 4 cpu for test
Now i dont see anymore hang, or delay and for th etime i am testing no hit of resource limit of course
So...of course 4 cpu is good, but where is the problem:is fabrik really demanding or a better configuration could sort the problem anyway?

i did more teest..and the next test again slow..first seacrh quick..then the next slow
so behaviuour is the same also with 4cpu
just to clarify..i can see "com_fabrik_loading" text in the screen for few times 2 seconds..other 3 or 4
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Have you tried enabling joomla debug and check the profile information? That may help narrow it down. Also, the sql queries, maybe something is causing a specific query to run more often than it should.
Have you tried enabling joomla debug and check the profile information? That may help narrow it down. Also, the sql queries, maybe something is causing a specific query to run more often than it should.
i don't understand the query part you are saying.
They don't run on their own..when there is no activity on site there is no traffic
The problem is that there is an excess of resources usage when i do certain things. If i use the filtering options that i have on the list view (like search yes or no in a yesno component), i have trouble. The first search is fine, the second search (if close to the first) system hangs a while and i can see that resources usage hits the limit. So the provider limit my resources for 24 hours
So i have at least one issue which i have identified, which i can replicate.
The filtering action on that yesno component!
Please do a search on Joomla debug. The info you need re profiling and sql queries will be there.

i have found in the system debug plugin, some optionto check..relatives to profiles and qeris
is that what you mean?

i have enable also fabrik debug
it says
"If yes then appending &fabrikdebug=1 to your page urls will output debug code - handy to spot any issues. Debug JS will force always loading uncompressed JS files."
what odo i habe to do?append &fabrikdebug=1? but where exacly?
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does it give some info?

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