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Search results

  1. T

    Solved PayPal needs fabrik4.3?

    I just tried installing the paypal add-on. It came back with an error message saying that fabrik 4.3+ is required. I don't see that as a download option. FWIW, I have 4.2 running on Joomla! 5.1.3 Stable with php 8.3. No complaints, I can wait a couple weeks if that's the fix.
  2. T

    Solved dbjoin - what default to ensure it opens w. current value

    Never mind... Duh! Of course, my where clause needs to include the current value as a possibility! Changing the where as follows fixed the issue: WHERE (boats.club = (SELECT club FROM slips WHERE id = '{rowid}' LIMIT 1) AND boats.id NOT IN (SELECT boat FROM slips WHERE boat IS NOT...
  3. T

    Solved dbjoin - what default to ensure it opens w. current value

    Okay, my solution to yesterday's problem has a flaw. With the following WHERE condition added to my dbjoin element, when a previously populated row is opened for editing, the value for the join is shown as empty, and if saved without touching the field, the previous value is nulled. How do I...
  4. T

    Solved include session value as part of database join criteria

    Thanks for your help. I seem to have landed on an answer. 13 was not an id, it was a club value. All my tables have a club field so I can make this a multi-club application. To recap, my goal was to enable a user to associate a boat with a slip, and to be able to see in the list of boats...
  5. T

    Solved include session value as part of database join criteria

    Note: this is a where statement in the dbjoin field, not the calc.
  6. T

    Solved include session value as part of database join criteria

    WHERE boats.club = {thistable}.users_club .... generates an error WHERE boats.club = '{slips___users_club}' .... returns no results WHERE boats.club = (SELECT club FROM slips WHERE id = '{rowid}') .... This works! (slips also have a club field, so no need for the users_club calc after...
  7. T

    Solved include session value as part of database join criteria

    In theory, that sounds like a great approach. However, in practice it doesn't seem to be working for me. My calc field displays 13, as expected. I have ajax turned on. But I can't find any results that work: WHERE boats.club = 13 .... this works fine. In debug mode I see: SELECT...
  8. T

    Simple Show/Hide Toggle

    Well this should be the easiest thing, but for some reason, it's eluding me. I have a form with these elements: - boat (a dbjoin element) - available_boats (a dropdown list element) -change_boat ( a button element). When the form is loaded, I want available_boats to be hidden. When the...
  9. T

    Solved include session value as part of database join criteria

    Yes, looks like the only way. I will need to add a calc field to store the boat name. Or perhaps I can get a database join field to populate with the same value. Either way is added complexity. Seems weird that I can populate a dropdown list but not a databasejoin list.
  10. T

    Solved include session value as part of database join criteria

    In the advanced tab, the tooltips for the Eval options seems to suggest that the code placed there will run a loop for each option. In my case, with two calls per option required, that would mean adding hundreds of database calls. Seems to me that there is no appropriate place in the database...
  11. T

    Solved include session value as part of database join criteria

    I'm trying to make a multi-tenant app and running into some challenges. In a databasejoin drop down, I want to display a list of boats, but only boats that have a boats.club value that matches the current user's club value and only boats not currently listed in another slips row. The $clubid...
  12. T

    Create invoices from list view

    Thanks. In addition to a products and an invoices table, there is an invoice_item table. Each invoice has multiple invoice_items. Each invoice_item record is a child record related to a parent invoice record.
  13. T

    Create invoices from list view

    I'd like to enable the following work flow: 1) The user selects multiple members from the members list; 2) The user clicks a Create Invoice action button; 3) The user is prompted to select a product from a list of products; 4) For each of the selected member records, a new invoice (table row) is...
  14. T

    Solved Copied list does not group in alpha order

    Wow! So the record sort order needs to include the group by order element! Amazing and extremely unexpected!
  15. T

    Solved Copied list does not group in alpha order

    Yes, the records were sorted by a name field. Changing the sort order doesn't seem to change/correct the group ordering issue. Columns that don't appear alphabetize correctly in the group by do alphabetize correctly in as a record sort order. So the problem doesn't seem related to my data...
  16. T

    Solved Copied list does not group in alpha order

    Today I made a copy of a list (so that I could have some joins in one list view while keeping my forms distinct). After copying the list, i noticed that no matter what i did, I could not get the copied list to display groups in any order. I tried a few different fields as the field to group...
  17. T

    Fixed J!5: Warning messages in popup form

    Yes, they don't show up when error level is set to none. But they do show up when it is set to simple. I'm am using J5.
  18. T

    Fixed J!5: Warning messages in popup form

    I'm getting the messages shown below in the pop up dialog that shows when the user clicks the Add Option on a databasejoin element. The messages show up even when joomla debugging and fabrik debugging are both turned off. Tried turning a bunch of dials in the databasejoin configuration, but I...
  19. T

    date format unknown for {$my->id} replacing

    Yes, I will turn it off, ultimately. Curious thing.
  20. T

    date format unknown for {$my->id} replacing

    creator is a user field. I will just ignore the message or leave date_time unpublished. The filter works as expected, just also gives this warning message.