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  1. M

    1 column instead 2.

    Hi, I want create a custom form which is involved many element but i don't want create every database column for each element because it will slowdown the listing. I create 2 field element: a) description b) amount Then it store into single column named payment in json...
  2. M

    I making custom form template and i curious.

    Hi, Inside default.php why using echo $this->loadTemplate instead include?. If using $this->loadTemplate, i can't pass variable into it but if using include i can pass it. It's okay if i using include instead $this->loadTemplate?. Thanks in advance.
  3. M

    Warning: sprintf(): Too few arguments in

    Hi, I found some error when using dropdown element with Advanced -> Eval Populate. It's throw error on both Lists and Forms like below when MySQL query using like with % symbol. Warning: sprintf(): Too few arguments in libraries/fabrik/fabrik/Helpers/Worker.php on line 1703 Joomla 3.9.16...
  4. M

    GroupBy, Calc Element and Display Element

    Hi Fabrik Team, 1. I test groupby option on calc element and it work great but it not working if using display element. It is possible to make it work also on display element?.. 2. Display element is very useful if have abilities like calc element without need to save value into database to...
  5. M

    Print Fusion Chart Direct From Article or Form

    Hi All, I just done to make visualization : Fusion Chart can be print using article print button or form print button. Step 1 : Download, open zip files and replace fusionchart.php to \plugins\fabrik_visualization\fusionchart\fusionchart.php Step 2 : Download, open zip files and replace...
  6. M

    Upload image not working

    Hi, I just update using latest github but the bugging is when upload image using fileupload element not working. At database only store as files names. Thanks. Regard, MyFateBiz
  7. M

    MySQL Query

    Hi All, I'm looking for mysql query it like database join which is it store data as a value but label using another column. Example: I have 2 column namely `id` and `question` $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $db->setQuery("SELECT `id` FROM `qb_kpp_test` ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1"); return...
  8. M

    Change row background color with condition tricks.

    Hi all, I just wanna share how i figure out according my title. All just need change default_row.php on your list template. 1. Create new date element. 2. Open your default_row.php <?php /** * Fabrik List Template: Default Row * * @package Joomla * @subpackage Fabrik * @copyright...
  9. M

    Placeholder on form for image.

    Hi, This is really important for me. As on my title, i try to using placeholder contain image but it only give a image link instead a image it self. Example i put {sample___photo} and the result is \uploads\DSC_2628_2.JPG My point is can make placeholder also render an image?. Best...
  10. M

    Placeholder on list intro/outro not support?

    Hi, According on my title. Fabrik don't have this feature on list but i see form intro/outro support placeholder. Just curious why list not support placeholder since front-end template under group by only can use when group by is enable. Best Regards, MyFateBiz
  11. M

    Database Join Auto-complete Not Working

    Hi, I just tested database join with ccd and the problem is database join auto complete not working if ccd also have at form. Can anyone confirm this problem. Thanks. Best Regards, MyFateBiz
  12. M

    Inline Edit with Calc

    Hi, I just do some experiment on inline edit with calc. It really awesome but there is have a bug or something else where example below : I have a table monthly stock report : id Article No (field) Stock Opening (field) Stock Sold (field) Stock Lost (field) Stock Return (field) Stock...
  13. M

    Column Sum Result Not Right

    Hi, Example i have 4 column : id Title Value1 Value2 The problem is when i using sum column on Value2, the result it sum on Value1. All also happen on everage. Please see the attachment. Thanks. Best Regards, MyFateBiz
  14. M

    Layout : Show group "Detail view only" Bug?

    Hi, Current problem : If Show group set to "Detail view only" Form view = invisible List view = invisible Detail view = invisible How to fix : Go to components\com_fabrik\models\group.php Line 283 : $this->canView = false; change to $this->canView = true; Result : Form view =...
  15. M

    Bug filtering for dropdown element

    Hi, I just found bugging filtering for dropdown element. It show No records. Element type : dropdown Filter type for dropdown element : Field : Working Dropdown : Working Range : Working Auto-complete : Working Checkbox : Not Working (No records) Multi-select list : Not Working (No...
  16. M

    Sell Form/List Temlate or Plugin

    Hi all especially Fabrik developer, According on my title, i just was thinking about that if i create my own template or plugin for fabrik. Can i sell it to other fabrik user for my work?. It like opportunities to become Fabrik part time developer like Joomla it self. Let we see about Joomla...
  17. M

    Listing - Order By Label But Not A Value

    Hi, I have a table which is using database join from another table using id as a value to store data and name as a label. But unfortunately listing order by using value id instead a name as label. Now my listing is like irregular arrangement like row 1 is Lenneth, row 2 is Kenny, row 3 is...
  18. M

    Listing - Inline Edit Error

    Hi, I found 2 error on inline edit plugin : 1. Inline edit will delete data record after key in the data on repeat group. It should be save the data but not delete the record. 2. Can't press enter for new line if inline edit on text area element and it also give an error after save the data...
  19. M

    Print button missing & Date element language problem

    Hi, I using latest update from github and now have a problem : 1. When i want print my form, after i click print icon on top left then it will popup a new windows and then at there is no print button to print to printer. 2. Date element language problem, On Fabrik element tabs, create new...
  20. M

    Paypal Content Plugin On List View

    Hi, Please see this link Everytime i click on paypal button, why paypal cart not popup and the page become refresh with have ?resetfilters=0&clearordering=0&clearfilters=0 at end of link. Please help Thanks.
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