• Holiday Schedule

    Your code gophers will be away for the next couple of weeks so support will be sporadic. We should be fully back online by the end of September.

  • A new version of Full Calendar is now available.

    See the details here

PDF output

  • Views Views: 36,671
  • Last updated Last updated:
  • Docu is work in progress.

    Installation/ Activation​

    Fabrik 4 (download package) contains also the PDF libraries, so nothing to install additionally.

    For setting up PDF output:
    Go to Fabrik "Options" (button upper right on every Fabrik backend site).
    In the "Global" tab select your prefered PDF library.
    In "Debugging" tab: Debug PDF has to be NO
    In "List" and "Form" tab: you can choose global settings for showing the PDF button (can also be set individually in list and form "Layout" settings )
    In "List" tab you can enable "Allow PDF Localhost" and "Allow PDF IP" if you are running into issues with access settings (see tooltips for details)

    3rd party compatibility​

    Plugin System - Flexisystem, core functions: make sure "Redirect pdf format" is set to NO.


    PDF Options can be set in list and form settings ("Layout" section)

    The PDF icon has also global Options in Fabrik "Options".

    PDF templates​

    The standard templates can be used, but is recommended to create custom PDF templates.
    To create a custom template, copy the templates folder and rename it. Template locations are as follows:
    • Joomla 4+: Details: components/com_fabrik/views/details/tmpl/ (PDF template is always a details template)
    • Joomla 4+: List: components/com_fabrik/views/list/tmpl/
    Dompdf has issues in rendering e.g. float and boxes, in a custom template you can adapt the CSS settings to your needs. It's advisable to add background and/or border for testing to see what PDF libs are doing.
    Use your browser dev console to inspect the CSS classes.

    CSS example details view​

    To get labels left you can add or modify your custom CSS File.

    /*domPDF, J! Bootstrap5 template*/
    #$form .row {position:relative;display:block; page-break-inside: avoid; padding:.6rem}
    #$form .col-sm-2 {display:inline-block;width:16%;vertical-align:top;}
    #$form .col-sm-3 {display:inline-block;width:24%;vertical-align:top;}
    #$form .col-sm-4 {display:inline-block;width:32%;vertical-align:top;}
    #$form .col-sm-5 {display:inline-block;width:40%;vertical-align:top;}
    #$form .col-sm-6 {display:inline-block;width:48%;vertical-align:top;}
    #$form .col-sm-7 {display:inline-block;width:56%;vertical-align:top;}
    #$form .col-sm-8 {display:inline-block;width:64%;vertical-align:top;}
    #$form .col-sm-9 {display:inline-block;width:72%;vertical-align:top;}
    #$form .col-sm-10 {display:inline-block;width:80%;vertical-align:top;}
    #$form .col-sm-11 {display:inline-block;width:88%;vertical-align:top;}
    #$form .col-sm-12 {display:inline-block;width:96%;vertical-align:top;}
    /*May be for image display*/
    #{$form} img {width:auto;height:auto;}
    To display yes/no (domPDF standard fonts don't support the IcoMoon icons)
    #{$form} .icon-checkmark:before {content:'yes'}
    #{$form} .icon-remove:before {content:'no'}

    CSS example list div template
    #listform_$c .fabrikList .row-fluid .span4 {display:inline-block;width:26%;float:none;}
    #listform_$c .fabrikList .row-fluid {page-break-inside:avoid;}

    domPDF template with page header, footer and pagenumber​

    Create a custom template.
    Edit default.php (this example is referring to a copy of fabrik list Bootstrap template):
    Below line "defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');" add
    <div id="footdompdf">
    <span class="footleft"><?php echo $this->table->label;?></span>
    <span class="pagenum">Page </span>
    <div id="headerdompdf">
    <span class="headleft"><?php echo $this->table->label;?></span>
    <span class="pdfdate">19-11-2013</span>

    Create/edit custom_css.php
    Add CSS
    body {margin-top:1.5em;margin-bottom:1.5em}
    #headerdompdf {
    position: fixed;
    top: 0px;
    border-bottom: 1px solid red;
    #footdompdf {
    position: fixed;
    bottom: 0px;
    height: 1.1em;
    border-top: 1px solid red;
    #footdompdf .pagenum { position:absolute;
    right: 20px;}
    #footdompdf .pagenum:after {
    content: counter(page) ; //This is including the page number at bottom right
    #footdompdf .footleft {

    domPDF with total pages​

    See https://fabrikar.com/forums/index.php?threads/dompdf-page-x-of-y.54274/

    mPDF template with page header, footer and pagenumber​

    See also https://mpdf.github.io/headers-footers/method-4.html
    Create a custom template.
    Edit default.php (this example is referring to a copy of fabrik list Bootstrap template):
    Below line "defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');" add

    @page {size:auto;

    odd-header-name: html_MyHeader1;
    odd-footer-name: html_MyFooter1;
    .fabrikDataContainer table {page-break-inside:auto;width:100%;}

    <htmlpageheader name="MyHeader1">
    <div style="text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #000000; font-weight: bold; font-size: 10pt;">My document {DATE j-m-Y}</div>
    <htmlpagefooter name="MyFooter1">
    <table width="100%">
    <td width="33%">{DATE j-m-Y}</td>
    <td width="33%" align="center">{PAGENO}/{nbpg}</td>
    <td width="33%" style="text-align: right; ">My document</td>

    Additionally replace <tfoot> </tfoot> tags (navigation around line 71/ 77 resp. calculation around line 118/136) with <tbody> </tbody>

    PDF fonts, UTF-8 characters​

    Dompdf uses it's own fonts included in (as of Fabrik 3.8) libraries/fabrik/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/lib/fonts. Only the dejavu fonts support UTF-8 characters.

    To force the PDF output to use DejaVu, put this in a custom_css.php in your template folder:

    * {font-family:'dejavu sans'!important}

    Too include a custom font in a pdf details view, you can add the following:


    @font-face {
    font-family: 'yourfontname';
    font-style: normal;
    font-weight: normal;
    src: url('https://websitedomain/subfoldername/yourfontname.ttf) format('truetype');

    Filter Values​

    Filter values are in
    e.g. for a date range filter
    echo $this->filters['test___date_time']->displayValue;
    will give something like
    2020-07-15 16:30:36, 2021-07-22 16:30:36

    Activate PHP Mode​

    in libraries\fabrik\fabrik\fabrik\Helpers\Pdf.php line 143 add
    $Options->set("isPhpEnabled", true);

    Open domPDF in new Tab instead Download​

    Edit file : libraries/fabrik/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/src/Adapter/CPDF.php changed these lines:

    if (!isset($Options["Attachment"])) $Options["Attachment"] = true;


     $Options["Attachment"] = false;


     $attachment = $Options["Attachment"] ? "attachment" : "inline";


     $attachment = "inline";

    Set name of PDF file​
