• Payment Plugins Poll

    We need your feedback on the need for updated payment plugins. Please go here and give us your feedback.

  • Joomla 5.1

    For running J!5.1 you must install Fabrik 4.1
    See also Announcements

  • Subscription and download (Fabrik 4.1 for J!4.2+ and J!5.1) are working now

    See Announcement
    Please post subscription questions and issues here

    We have resolved the issue with the J! updater and this will be fixed in the next release.

Mise ? jour ? partir de GitHub

  • Views Views: 5,888
  • Last updated Last updated:
  • Introduction​

    GitHub updates -- small, intermittent updates of specific files, plug-ins, etc. -- cannot be done with Joomla Extension Manager/Update. The Joomla Extension Manager/Update will only show and update to official releases.

    NOTE ON OFFICIAL RELEASES: At the time of a NEW official release (e.g., 3.0.6), even if you have been updating from Github, we strongly recommend that you always install the new release either via Joomla's update manager or via its extension install page. This is because these releases may apply database changes. These database changes are located in {fabrikversion#}.sql files which can be found in administrator/components/com_fabrik/sql/updates/mysql/. After installing the official release you can go back to updating via GitHub until the next official release.

    Once you have installed Fabrik 3.x, if you want to stay up to date with the latest code updates between official releases, you can 'update from GitHub'. This will overwrite existing Fabrik files with the latest files available which often contain bug fixes and improvements.

    To let Joomla "know" about your GitHub update you have to do the "Post GitHub Update Steps" outlined later in this page, especially
    ExtensionManager -> Manage -> Refresh Cache
    on all fabrik plugins.

    Getting the Most Recent Fabrik Code​

    Download and extract a zip file​

    Our code is housed at https://github.com/Fabrik/fabrik. We have two main branches, one for Fabrik 3.0.x and one for Fabrik 3.2.x
    • For Fabrik 3.2 for Joomla 3.3: [edit] I used this branch for updating to F3.2 on J2.5 and it worked. This description (left0 implies that F3.2 is only for J3.2 and I don't think that is the case.
    • For Fabrik 3.0.x for Joomla 2.5: [edit] I used the F3.2 branch on J2.5 and it updated and worked. There are indications elsewhere (such as the download page) that F3.2 is J2.5 compatible. My experience suggests this is true. I'd advise updating this page to reflect that the F3.2 branch can be used on J2.5.
    This is NOT an installable ZIP, do not try running it through any installers
    • Extract to your local system.
    • Navigate to the folder where all the files and folder are displayed (folder "Fabrik-fabrik-xxx" containing "administrator","components",...). The contents should something like this:

    Use a local Git clone of GitHub​

    Alternatively, if you update from GitHub regularly, install Git or GitHub for Windows and create a clone https://github.com/Fabrik/fabrik, and then use:
    • "sync" in GitHub for Windows; or
    • "git pull origin" in Git or
    • "pull" in TortoiseGit (choose origin and needed branch)
    to update your clone with the latest code.

    Updating Your Site With The New Files​

    First take a BACK-UP of your site!

    Have you backed your site up yet? If not, go back one square!!

    After making a backup, choose one of the following methods to update your site.

    Whichever method you choose, one thing you MUST NOT DO is "cherry pick" files, eg. only upload specific files you think have changed. You must ALWAYS UPLOAD EVERYTHING. This is because changes in one file very often rely on changes in other files, and mixing versions can cause bizarre errors, which take our support staff hours to debug.

    1. FTP Update​

    • Use filezilla or any FTP tool.
    • If your server will allow it, set number of Connections to e.g. 10.
    • Upload the contents of the Fabrik-fabrik-xxx folder (i.e. "administrator","components",...) to your Joomla root -- the following folders, WITHOUT the fabrik_build folder:
    • Set the Options to overwrite your existing Fabrik files. (If you want to increase speed substantially you can overwrite only if the file sizes are different and accept the risk of a file having changed but the size being exactly the same number of characters.)
    2. Upload and extract a zip-file​

    • Select all these files and folders and zip them (make sure you are just zipping the folders and files - ie do not zip the folder containing them or else when they are extracted on your server they will be in a folder in your directory and not in the root directory itself).
    • Upload to your server.
    • Extract.
    3. cPanel Update​

    If you use cPanel you'll need to do the following.
    1. Unzip the downloaded GitHub zip to you local system.
    2. Navigate to the Fabrik-fabrik-xxx folder where you see all the files and folders.
    3. Select all files and folders and create a new Zip file, (or whichever archive format you prefer).
    4. This has to be performed otherwise the files will extract to a subdirectly and your site will not get updated.
    5. Upload the NEW zip file to the root of your site.
    6. Once uploaded, refresh the directory, click on the uploaded file and select extract.
    7. Delete the ZIP file if you wish.
    4. Command line - UNIX/Linux server​

    If you are working directly on a UNIX/Linux server, your can fetch and extract the latest github code in place with a single command. Just cd to your J! web root, and do ...
    wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/Fabrik/fabrik/tarball/joomla25 -O - | tar -zx --strip-components 1

    ... after cd'ing to your J! root folder. This will fetch the latest 3.0 github tarball, and extract it in place. Substitute joomla3 for joomla25 if you want the 3.2 code.

    To read more about Fabrik on GitHub see https://fabrikar.com/forums/showthread.php?t=22086 and contributing code

    Post Github Update Steps​

    If you have 'updated from Github' all your physical files will be at the latest version and any installed fabrik plugin will be running this latest version.

    However, as these files have not passed through the Joomla install or discovery process Joomla doesn't know they have been updated. This is why after a Github update you may notice some of your Fabrik files are still marked as an earlier release. For example, you may have extracted Fabrik 3.0.4 files to your server but Joomla is telling you that some of your files are still 3.0.3, (see red highlight in image below).

    This is also the reason why Joomla's update feature is telling you there are updates available even though you have upgraded. As mentioned above, your files have been updated but as far as Joomla's database is concerned you are still on a previous version.

    To refresh Joomla's database you need to go into the Extension Manager and click Manage. In the Filter box type Fabrik, as highlighted in green in the image below, and then click search. Once this is complete make sure you
    at the bottom of your screen. [In Joomla 3.x this is located in the upper right above "ID"]

    This process will list all Fabrik components, Modules and plugins.


    You now need to select everything.


    Once everything is selected, click Refresh Cache.


    Hopefully you will now see your items at the latest release.


    Now go into Update, click

    Select everything listed and then View attachment 10023
    :: IamJim writes 11:13amCST 11/08/2013 no Purge Cache in Joomla3.x ?? ::


    Now click Find Updates and hopefully no Fabrik items should be displayed.

    NOTE: This will only show previously installed Fabrik plugins. To install new plugins, follow the guide to Installing_and_Enabling_Additional_Plugins Step 2.

    Exception to the above rule:
    • If you have any undiscovered or non installed files these may still pop up. Go into discover and install any Fabrik items you find in there.
    • If you have a very early edition of Fabrik there may be the odd plugin which simply doesn't want to update. If this happens, find the plugin in your Github files, zip it up and install it manually.