• Holiday Schedule

    Your code gophers will be away for the next couple of weeks so support will be sporadic. We should be fully back online by the end of September.

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    See the details here

How do I backup my site?

  • Views Views: 7,049
  • Last updated Last updated:
  • It is often suggested before making any major changes to your site to make a backup.

    If you have cPanel you can go to cPanel > backups > download or generate a full website backup

    Note your host will usually have to restore these backups.

    Alternatively, you can manage and administer your own backups with a tool like Akeeba Backup.

    Following the instructions from Akeeba Backup, there are four stages to this process:

    1. Installing Akeeba Backup
    2. Making A Backup
    3. Downloading Archives
    4. Restoring Your Backup
    You can watch these steps here - https://www.akeebabackup.com/videos.html