• Payment Plugins Poll

    We need your feedback on the need for updated payment plugins. Please go here and give us your feedback.

  • Joomla 5.1

    For running J!5.1 you must install Fabrik 4.1
    See also Announcements

  • Subscription and download (Fabrik 4.1 for J!4.2+ and J!5.1) are working now

    See Announcement
    Please post subscription questions and issues here

    We have resolved the issue with the J! updater and this will be fixed in the next release.

Content plugin

  • Views Views: 54,028
  • Last updated Last updated:
  • The Fabrik content plug-in allows you to embed Fabrik content within
    • Joomla articles
    • Joomla "Custom" Modules (enable "Prepare content" option)
    • Fabrik list or form intros/outros

    Embedding Forms​

    Add a new record into a form whose ID is 1:
    {fabrik view=form id=1}

    Add a new record into a form whose ID is 1 and passing parameters to fill Elements :
    {fabrik view=form id=1 table___element_1=2 table___element_2=1}

    Edit form 1, row 1:
    {fabrik view=form id=1 rowid=1}

    Show details view of form 1, row 1:
    {fabrik view=details id=1 rowid=1}

    Searching for form records to edit
    Load form 1, and look for an existing record where the 'user' element has a value of 62. If the record is found, the record will be loaded for editing; if not found, a new record can be entered.
    {fabrik view=form id=1 usekey=user rowid=62}

    Load form 1 and look for an existing record where 'user=62 AND status=1'. You can add as many key/value pairs as long as you ensure that each value is separated by a pipe ( | ).
    {fabrik view=form id=1 usekey=user|status rowid=62|1}

    Embedding Lists​

    Embed a list with an ID of 1 into an article.
    {fabrik view=list id=1}

    • random=1 - Starts showin the ordered records at a random start point (3,1 since 20/11/2013)
    • limit=5 limit the # of records shown (3,1 since 20/11/2013)
    • fabrik_show_nav=0 hides the list navigation
    • elements=732|734 - list of element ids to show separated by a '|' (3,1 since 20/02/2014)
    • list-picker=0 - hides the list picker (drop down which appears in admin to swap the list being viewed (3,1 since 20/02/2014)
    • hide-add=1 Hide the add button - overrides list's ACL settings, if set to 1. (3,1 since 20/02/2014)
    Ordering Lists
    • orderby=tablename___elementname
    • orderdir=desc
    Reset ordering: clearordering=1

    Filtering Lists
    Filter a list to show only records where 'elementname' has a value of 'foobar'.
    {fabrik view=list id=1 tablename___elementname=foobar}

    Accessing URL parameters to filter a list:
    {fabrik view=list id=1 tablename___elementname=[param1]}

    [param1] is replaced with the value of param1 in the URL (e.g. URL ...option=com_content&view=article&id=11&param1=foobar)

    Reset applied filters (except prefilters):
    {fabrik view=list id=1 resetfilters=1}

    Hide the filters:
    {fabrik view=list id=1 showfilters=0}

    Filtering Lists - Advanced
    Show rows where elementname1 is 'abc' AND elementname2 is one of 1, 4, 8, or 2:

    {fabrik view=list id=4 listname___elementname1=abc listname___elementname2[value]=1,4,8,2 listname___elementname2[condition]=IN}

    As you can see you may use almost any string as a condition value.

    Those strings have to be "url encoded". So any characters which aren't "legal" on a URL have to be replaced with their %xx equivalent. The most common example is a space (%20), but there are others like single or double quotes.

    You can generate urlencoded strings by using online tools like ...

    Pay attention that when you use [condition] or similar (see below) for any field, you MUST use [value] for this field too.

    You may specify several values for one field using this syntax (may be necessary for some operations like BETWEEN, see example below):

    { ... listname___elementname[value][]=100 listname___elementname[value][]=200 ... }

    By default is equal condition is used for any value specified for row field. You may specify your own condition for each such field. List of possible conditions is :
    • <>
    • <
    • >
    Note: Custom template are actual PHP files, rendering directly, so < or a > to render correctly, you have to encode them like:
    • &lt;&gt; for <>
    • &lt; for <
    • &gt; for >
    IN(you need a comma-separated list of integers without surrounding quotes or parentheses as a value, see example above. I know nothing about list of text values but suppose each list item should be quoted)

    CONTAINS (you should specify a string as a value, and rows containing this string in specified field will be listed)

    BETWEEN - see example below

    By default all conditions specified joins with logical AND - they should match all together. If you want OR instead of AND - add this for all your conditions (may be except the first):

    { ... listname___elementname1[value][]=xxx listname___elementname2[value][]=yyy listname___elementname2[join]=OR}

    Theoretically you may combine AND and OR joins but I'll not explain it because of :
    • complexity
    • lack of use. AND always executes before OR and I know no 'operation parentheses' for Content plugin. So most likely the result of combining AND and OR will be not those you want.
    Ranged filters:
    { fabrik view=list id=4 listname___elementname[value][]=28/10/1999 listname___elementname[value][]=28/10/2000 listname___elementname[condition]=BETWEEN }

    NOTE that the date should be in the table view format, not as a mysql date format.

    To get the next 7 days worth of records :


    {fabrik view=list id=1 listname___date_time[value][]=now listname___date_time[value][]=now%2B7+DAYS listname___date_time[condition]=BETWEEN}

    The "%B7" is decoded to a '+' and the following '+' is decoded to a space, giving '+7 Days' as the top ranged filter value.

    Notice: the element name format listname___elementname_raw is not usable here although we use this kind of element name when filtering Lists by database join or Cascading DropDown element data. Use just listname___elementname instead, especially when we want display data dynamically using placeholder for a variable (e.g listname___elementname=[rowid]). In content plugin, it retrieves raw data for filter even when there are dbjoin or cdd Elements while _raw could generate some problems.. See https://fabrikar.com/forums/index.p...o-_raw-in-j-fabrik-content-plugin-code.22860/

    Notice: Filters defiined inside {fabrik view=list......} are sticky and can not be unset by the user. As such they behave in a similar fashion to list prefilters


    Show visualization id 1
    {fabrik view=visualization id=1}

    resetfilters and showfilters can be used - see "Lists"

    Element data​

    Insert list 11 row 239's Checkbox element's data
    {fabrik view=element list=11 rowid=239 element=element_test___checkbox}
    • repeatcounter=X- specify the repeat records value you want to use. Defaults to 0
    • repeatcounter=all - will render all the repeat group data, inside a <ul> (3.0 & 3.1 ince 09/10/2013)
    • If no rowid is specified then the first row is loaded (3.1 since 16/09/2013)
    • random=1 - loads a random record (3,1 since 20/11/2013)

    Accessing URL parameters​

    {fabrik view=list id=1 tablename___elementname=[param1]}

    [param1] is replaced with the value of param1 in the URL (e.g. URL ...option=com_content&view=article&id=11&param1=foobar)

    Common modifiers​

    For which ever view you choose, you can change its template by adding :

    Hide Form title

    Item ID
    If you want URL's within the list / form to be routed with a different menu item than the one the plugin is being displayed on, add itemId=X