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  • Picklist Element Validation Plugin​

    function array_find($needle, $haystack)
    foreach ($haystack as $key => $item)
    if (strpos($item, $needle) !== FALSE)
    return $key;
    return false;
    $formData = $formModel->formData;
    // Get the list of interests and which ones are additionsadditions
    $interests = json_decode($formData['member_interests___member_interests']);
    $additions = json_decode($formData['member_interests___member_interests_additions']);
    // If there are no additions just return
    if ( !is_array($additions) | count($additions) == 0)
    return true;

    // get the list of existing interests
    $db = JFactory::getDBO();
    $query = $db->getQuery(true);
    $params = json_decode(htmlspecialchars_decode($db->loadResult()));
    $existing = $params->sub_options->sub_values;

    // Go through each addition, change to uppercase words and set the value to a single
    // word by replacing spaces, dashes and slashes with underscores. While we are at it
    // remove the additions from the interests so we can ensure no duplications
    foreach ($additions as $key => $addition) {
    unset($interests[array_search($additions[$key]->val, $interests)]);
    $additions[$key]->val = str_replace(array(" ", "-", "/"), "_", ucwords($additions[$key]->val));
    $additions[$key]->label = ucwords($additions[$key]->label);

    // Now go again to ensure the addition isn't using a name that already exists
    // and that the member hasn't tried to add the addition twice
    // a name exists when the new name is the same as a part of an exiting name
    // examples are a new interest of Golf when Golfing is already an interest
    // or new Games when Board Games exists
    $failures = array();
    foreach ($additions as $key => $addition) {
    if (array_find($addition->val, $existing) !== false ) {
    // The interest word is already in an existing interest
    $failures[] = $addition; // Add it to the failures list
    unset($additions[$key]); // Remove it from the additions list
    // It isn't in the existing list, check that the name is not used twice in the additions
    foreach ($additions as $aKey => $add) {
    if ($aKey == $key) continue; // Don't check against itself
    if (strpos($add->val, $addition->val) !== false) {
    // The interest word is already in an existing addition
    $failures[] = $addition; // Add it to the failures list
    unset($additions[$key]); // Remove it from the additions list
    // And one last test, make sure that the new interest doesn't clash with an existing interest
    // in this case we check against a new value of Board Games when Games already exists
    foreach ($existing as $exists) {
    foreach ($additions as $key => $addition) {
    if ( strpos($addition->val, $exists ) !== false ) {
    // an existing interest contains the new addition word
    $failures[] = $addition; // Add it to the failures list
    unset($additions[$key]); // Remove it from the additions list
    // For failures
    if ( count($failures) > 0 ) {
    $text = "";

    foreach ($failures as $key => $failure) {
    if ($key>0)
    $text .= ", ";
    $text .= $failure->label;

    if (count($failures) == 1 )
    $message = "Your addition $text is invalid.";
    $message = "Your additions $text are invalid.";
    $message .= " The name exists as part of an existing interest or an existing interest is contained in this addition.<br>Please select another name";
    return false;
    return true;

    Form onBeforeProcess Plugin​

    /* code to take the picklist and save it to CB */
    $formData = $formModel->formData;
    /* Convert things like &amp; to correct characters, decode into an array and drop empty Elements */
    $interests = $formData['member_interests___member_interests'];
    $additions = json_decode(htmlspecialchars_decode($formData['member_interests___member_interests_additions']));
    // If there are no additions just return
    if ( !is_array($additions) | count($additions) == 0)
    return true;

    // Go through each addition, change to uppercase words and set the value to a single
    // word by replacing spaces, dashes and slashes with underscores.
    foreach ($additions as $key => $addition) {
    // find the addition in the interests array
    $iKey = array_search($addition->val, $interests);
    // set the value to a ucword unique string, and ucword the label
    $additions[$key]->val = str_replace(array(" ", "-", "/"), "_", ucwords($additions[$key]->val));
    $additions[$key]->label = ucwords($additions[$key]->label);
    // ucword the interest
    $interests[$iKey] = $additions[$key]->val;
    // sort alphanumerically
    sort($interests, SORT_STRING | SORT_FLAG_CASE);

    // First, make sure the addition is not in twice
    foreach ($interests as $key =>$interest) {
    $tmp = $interests;
    if (in_array($interest, $tmp))
    unset($interests[$key]); // Duplicate
    /* The following validates whether an interest is leftover in the formData as a result
    * of an addition Validation failure. There is a bug in the picklist that leaves the
    * addition in the interests list. Fabrik knows about it but it is a big job to
    * correct. I can dix it simply here by validating that the interest exists either
    * in the list of existing interests or in the additions.
    // get the list of existing interests
    $db = JFactory::getDBO();
    $query = $db->getQuery(true);
    $params = json_decode(htmlspecialchars_decode($db->loadResult()));
    $existing = $params->sub_options->sub_values;
    foreach ($interests as $key => $interest ) {
    if ( strlen($interest) == 0 ) continue;
    if (!in_array($interest, $existing) ) {
    foreach($additions as $addition) {
    if ($interest == $addition->val)
    continue 2;
    unset($interests[$key]); // didn't find it, drop it
    // encode the both
    $interests_raw = json_encode(array_values($interests));
    $additions = json_encode($additions);
    // Put the values back into the form
    $formModel->updateFormData('member_interests___member_interests', array_values($interests));
    $formModel->updateFormData('member_interests___member_interests_raw', $interests_raw);
    $formModel->updateFormData('member_interests___member_interests_additions', $additions);

    Redirect Article​

    $jinput = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
    $id = $jinput->get('member_interests___id');

    $db = JFactory::getDBO();
    $user = JFactory::getUser();
    $query = $db->getQuery(true);
    ->from('member_interests AS mi')
    /* Convert things like &amp; to correct characters, decode into an array and drop empty Elements */
    $values = array_filter(json_decode(htmlspecialchars_decode ($db->loadResult())));
    // sort alphanumerically
    sort($values, SORT_STRING | SORT_FLAG_CASE);

    /* Now get the labels associated with these values */
    $query = $db->getQuery(true);
    $Options = json_decode($db->loadResult())->sub_options;
    $labels = array();
    foreach($values as $value) {
    $labels[] = $Options->sub_labels[array_search($value, $Options->sub_values)];

    // Get labels and values back into strings
    $labels = implode(", ", $labels);
    $values = implode(", ", $values);

    // now update the cb database, it uses the values for searching
    $query = $db->getQuery(true);
    ->set('cb_member_interests = ' . $db->quote($values))
    ->where('user_id=' . $user->id);

    // Now update the form data,
    // cb_member_interests is the cb data and is the values and is hidden
    // cb_member_interests_disp is what the user sees and is the labels
    echo '<script language="Javascript" type="text/Javascript">'
    . 'el = window.parent.document.getElementById("cb_member_interests");'
    . 'el.value = "' . $values . '";'
    . 'el = window.parent.document.getElementById("cb_member_interests_disp");'
    . 'el.value = "' . $labels . '";'
    . 'parent.jQuery.colorbox.close();'
    . '</script>';