Wrong grouping/calculation after update from 3.0.9 to 3.1

I've pretty much hit a brick wall on this one. I can't replicate it here, and the fix I applied several months ago for this exact issue really should be working.

The problem is / was that, up until the bug fix, the grouped calculations for joins were being indexed by their 'label' (rather than the 'value') when the calculations are performed, prior to displaying the list. But the code that renders them in the template expects them to be indexed by the value. So the rendering code looks for (say) a calculation for '27' rather than 'Joe Public'. But the bug fix fixed that, and the calculations for joins are now indexed by value. Except, on your site that doesn't seem to be happening.

So it looks like we may have to go the Akeeba route. Which, as I said, we usually don't do at the Standard support level. But if you want to create an Akeeba archive of your site and put it somewhere I can ftp it from, I'll give it a go.

-- hugh
I had to take Friday and the weekend off due to a death in the family. Note that we don't do weekend support anyway, but I should have responded on Friday.

Checking my PM's now.

-- hugh
Oh, also note that I'm rebuilding my test server this evening, so it'll be tomorrow (assuming all goes well with the build) before I can do this.

-- hugh
OK, kicked off the download. It's pretty slow, but it'll get here eventually. About 2.5 hours according to Chrome.

-- hugh
Yup. Trying to get my new server built so I have somewhere to install it, but I'm currently stuck, short a couple of SATA cables. The server wasn't delivered till about 7pm, and unfortunately by the time I realized they'd shorted me the cables, it was too late to go out and buy any.

I'll be heading to Best Buy the moment I wake up tomorrow. I've got the server up and running, but only with the Windows host OS on a small SSD drive. I need to hook up extra drives, to use as the backing store for the (Linux) VirtualBox servers I'll actually be running as my test installs.

In case you missed the back story, my main test server has died, I'm in the process of building a replacement as quickly as I can. Until then I'm somewhat stuck. I have a XAMPP stack on my laptop, but it's PHP 5.4 as well, and I gave up trying to install two versions I can switch between, after many fruitless hours of banging my head on the desk.

-- hugh
I'm sorry to hear that. But no amount of impatience and question marks is going to make this go any quicker. Some problems are just intractable.

I've spent a total of about 20 hours now working on this one issue. It involves some of the most complex and difficult code in Fabrik. Rob spent several hours working with me on it last night, we are still trying to come up with a workable solution. And before you point out that it worked in 3.0, yes, we know, but a lot has changed about the way we handle grouping and join elements between 3.0 and 3.1.

I've got your site installed on my new server last night, after 2 hours of fighting with Akeeba / kickstart. I had to deploy a complete virtual machine with PHP 5.3 on it, as Akeeba refused to install it on my main PHP 5.4 test VM. But at least I can now use xdebug, which is helping narrow down the problem / solution.

Feel free to keep expressing your impatience, it helps keep me fully enthusiastic about working on this issue.

-- hugh
Well.. so I paid, because i get no response !! I have tried the following myself.
Installed a fresh version of Fabrik 3.1 on a new site. Created the lists and elements exactly as on the old site. Exported my students and imported them - corrected the id's. Then I wanted to export the bonus data and import it again, but i got the message that the datastructure was not the same ??? I then took the table data directly from the old table and inserted in the new table.

The bug is still there!! I am really frustrated here - pleeeeease do something about this now - why can't this bug, which it clearly is, not get fixed ???
We are in need of some funding.
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Thank you.