Upgrading and installing new features


New Member

I followed instructions on how to upgrade and enable new features.
Here http://fabrikar.com/forums/index.php?wiki/update-from-github/ and here http://fabrikar.com/forums/index.ph...s/#installing-and-enabling-additional-plugins

Had some initial problems with folder permissions, that were solved.
Problem is that I find the update version on Extension Manager Update as 3.1 RC1 but it does not update.
Well it says it does, but after cache cleaning on Extension Manager Manage all I see is the previous version 3.0.9 and no new plugins installed.

Any clue why this happening?
This information provided by you is very constructive for correct planning. I like your work for providing information to the other.
At the moment there's a problem with the Joomla Updater showing the wrong version. It shouldn't and won't really update to Fabrik3.1rc1 if you are running Joomla2.5., so just ignore it.

If you've updated via GitHub (master branch) your code is running a recent Fabrik3.0.9 version, it's only a wrong display in the Joomla Updater.
But once you've updated via GitHub you shouldn't use Joomla Update at all, because this will only update the core Fabrik, not the additional code from GitHub. You'll need to update from GitHub again to keep your code version consistent.
So like I said, I followed instructions.
This instructions. So what do you sugest I do after extracting and upload files from the zip?
I even tried this:

wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/Fabrik/fabrik/tarball/master -O - | tar -zx --strip-components 1

So I have files on last version, but Joomla updater can't see as last 3.0.9. Ok no problem.
How do I see validations still missing? And they were missing already before my atempts on upgrading...
How do I enable those?!
Ashttp://fabrikar.com/forums/index.php?wiki/installation-instructions/#installing-and-enabling-additional-plugins is saying
  • Go to Extensions > Extension Manager > Discover
  • Click 'Purge Cache' icon and then 'Discover' icon
  • Select your plugins and click 'Install'
  • Go to Extensions > Plug-in Manager
  • Enable your plugins
Troester :)
Thank you for your reply. I had done as you said.
I went from top to bottom on all the steps explanined on the wiki.
Nothing was working I went to my site, to printscreen the error I got when I tried to install the discovered plugins and everything related to Fabrik. And... This time there were things "discovered"... And they installed as well!

Don't know why. I only went to Extension Manager > Discover as done before.
Anyway problem solved, thank you very much.

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