Update_col List Plugin request and issues


Request: In the Update_col List plugin and you add under the email notification an email from field?

Issue: Email notification is not working in the update_col plugin. Tried the email address dropdown and the Or Email To. Not getting any error but also not getting the email.



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Works OK for me ...


What email method is your server using?

Just FYI, I use the CMandril extension, and use a freebie (up to 12,000 emails a month) Mandril account. I've found email from J! to be at least a gazillion times more reliable this way.

-- hugh
I am using SMTP email method on a server that is an email server. This is all done internally. The List Email plugin works fine.

I just downloaded the nightly build today and tested again and it is still not working. No Errors.
Dunno what to tell you. I hate these ones where it works for me (and everyone else).

All I can suggest you try is start debugging the Fabrik code. Probably starting in ./plugins/fabrik_list/update_col/update_col.php, in the sendEmails() method starting around line 266. Start var_dumping things, and looking at the AJAX response coming back from the plugin in your browser. So you'll need to drive either Chrome's developer tools, or Firebug, etc. In the Network tab you'll see the AJAX call fire off when you hit the submit button, you should be able to open that up, and look in the Response data, where any debug output will then show up.

I'd start by setting the plugin to mail a single static address, and doing ...


... right before we test to see if either that or $emailColID are not empty.

Assuming that shows you the right To address, remove that debug line, and put one right before where we actually send the mail, with $mail->sendMail(), which dumps $to.

-- hugh
I did that and when I get the message has been sent but not what you wanted. I am attaching screen shots of the changes, what I got, and the setting I am using in the plugin.


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Hmmm, that means the email send code isn't even being called. Did you try the first debug suggestion I made, prior to the test for the empty addresses?

Also ... it looks like the update_col github has somehow gotten reverted a little ... probably while we were creating layout for it ... looking at that now.

-- hugh
The message is confirming the update, not the mailing.
It's working on my site, too.
Are you sure you have a valid email address?
Put the var_dump on line 294 (before if (JMailHelper::cleanAddress($to) && FabrikWorker::isEmail($to))
troester - I'm trying to work out what happened in the update_col code. I don't think it's relevant to his issue, but note that he has the "eval" option for the updates (images in post #8), which was something I added relatively recently, but I suspect got lost when Rob did the JLayout thing.

Anyway, if line numbers are different between what we're suggesting, and his code, that'd be why.

-- hugh
For debugging set your list/Navigation Ajaxfy=no. Then you'll see the debug output on your (white) screen and don't have to examine the network response.
I'm going to have to get in to your site. If those var_dumps() aren't showing anything (and I'm assuming you've checked the AJAX response, or turned AJAXified links off), that means the sendEmails() method isn't running at all.

-- hugh
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