Timeline visualization in Fabrik 4?


Joomla and Fabrik fan
Hi there,

Just migrated a Joomla 3 / Fabrik 3 website to Joomla 4 / Fabrik 4 Epsilon. Most parts work very well, so compliments for the developers!
My website also uses the Timeline Visualization. This has no Fabrik 4 version yet. For me, it would be very nice if this visualisation would be available in the near future.
Can you tell me if you are working on this?

Kind regards,
I upgraded from F3.10. There it worked nice (see the F3 verion on https://louisleroy.nl/tijdlijn-van-publicaties )
Thank for the beta-version of Timeline F4. Installing was easy, but I get a javascript error when loading the article.

Uncaught TypeError: Date.parseDate is not a function
watchDatePicker https://.........../plugins/fabrik_visualization/timeline/timeline.js:164
e https://.........../media/com_fabrik/js/mootools-core.js:787
initialize https://.........../plugins/fabrik_visualization/timeline/timeline.js:142
initialize https://.........../media/com_fabrik/js/mootools-more.js:162
e https://.........../media/com_fabrik/js/mootools-core.js:787
d https://.........../media/com_fabrik/js/mootools-core.js:745
<anonymous> https://.........../tijdlijn-van-publicaties/visualization/3:550
injectedScript:29"> execCb injectedScript">https://.........../tijdlijn-van-publicaties/visualization/3 line 2 > injectedScript:29
injectedScript:18"> check injectedScript">https://.........../tijdlijn-van-publicaties/visualization/3 line 2 > injectedScript:18
injectedScript:23"> enable injectedScript">https://.........../tijdlijn-van-publicaties/visualization/3 line 2 > injectedScript:23
Hi there,

Just curious if there is a new version of the timeline visualisation available for testing since september 19 of this year....