The ultimate corner case


Well-Known Member
I have the following setting:

A Fabrik list "A", with as elements: id, ... and a bunch of others

A database table "B" (not linked to a Fabrik list) with id, list_A_id, ...

There is a left join between the 2 on = B.list_A_id.

This has created a non-repeatable group that loads with form "A".
For some reason, I need this group to be hidden in the form, so its setting is set to "Yes, but hidden", but the values show in the list view.

All this worked well until this commit that changed a value from "true" to "false".

For obscure reasons, this had for consequence that the value of list_A_id gets deleted when you edit the form.
Changing the value back to "true" (in components/com_fabrik/models/element.php) fix the problem.
As per our Skype discussion, I've made a comment on that commit, and will carry on trying to find a solution.

-- hugh
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