tabbed List - tabs not working + edit form empty

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Joomla 4.2.9 - php 8.2 - Fabrik 4 gamma 3 - New install

I create a list on an existing table (3 fields)
The list is created and shows OK (in the backend), the id is set correctly.

When I click on de edit button of a record I get an empty form (all the fields are there but empty).

When I choose a tabbed layout on 1 field (no ALL tab), I get the tabs and it shows the records for the first tab but I can't swith to the second tab.
With the All tab, I get all the data in the first (ALL) tab and the two other tabs above but can't swith to the other tabs neither.

What I do wrong?


First problem is solved.
I added autonumber field as primary and that solved the problem (before there was a primary key but as text field).

Still have problem with tabbed layout.
OK, that seems to correct the problem.
- It now shows always the filter box with the choosen tab as filter. If I understand it correct from the other tread it is normal behaviour, I think I can hide that via CSS.
- When I remove the tabs, the list still holds the latest filter. Clearing Filter has no results. How do I go back to the full unfiltered list?

Many thanks in advance,

The filter box can be hidden, if you go to the list settings -> details -> filters and select in the filters field: no.
Not sure, what you mean with 'remove the tabs'. How do you do this (and why)?
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I had no filters but when I choose to use tabs he always displays the filter box.

about the 'remove the tabs': Normally the list is not tabbed and then all records are shown.
If you want a tabbed list you choose the field to be tabbed on (and you can choose if you want an 'all' tab or not).
If you do that each tab is a filter for that value of the choosen field.
If you now want to return to the normal (not tabbed) list you remove the choosen field tor the tabs but then the last filter rests active.
So you don't have the tabs any more (as you returned to the normal list) but the list still displays only a part of the records (those from the last filter) and even clicking on 'remove filters' had no effect.
The easiest way I found (i think) is activate also the 'All' tab and choose that one to 'clear' the filters before 'resetting' the list to non-tabbed.

I had the same strange effect after choosing another field for the tabs without first restoring the list to normal. Than also there was a filter that stayed active and was very difficult to remove.

Many thanks in advance,

I had no filters but when I choose to use tabs he always displays the filter box.
This is Fabrik standard.
If you now want to return to the normal (not tabbed) list you remove the choosen field tor the tabs but then the last filter rests active.
I also don't understand what you mean.

The decision tabbed list or not is done by the admin in the list settings. It's nothing what a "user" (no matter if front- or backend) can chose.

If you change this list setting and you are (as admin) testing your list display at the same time you may have to clear cache, add &clearfilters=1 or &resetfilters=1 manually to your list URL, have your menu item set to reset filters or whatever.
But this is not relevant while using Fabrik as a "normal" user.
I was testing as super user in the backend and even with clearfilters and resetfilters added id didn't remove the filter.

But, for me, it can be closed
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