Strangest ever - Every entry shows 19 records

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Form data:
Old data in a new form is no prefilter issue. Your form should be set to "Save partially completed multi-page forms"=NO

the two WHERE are a bug but
all not logged in users have userid=0 and so every guest could see any record from other guests (if you show the list to public or somebody can guess the URL with your list id - as I can do;))

So you should set your list access settings
add record=public
all other access levels at least registered
Thanks for replying, Troester. But if I set View List and View Records to Registered, then Super User cant see it.

So then what do I do?
Normally SuperAdmin has Registered access level.
If you have modified this setting (maybe because of prefilter access reasons) you can add a new access level given to registered + superadmin group and use this access level in your list settings.
Did you log out and back in from your Super User account? Any changes to J!'s group membership and viewing access levels require you to log out and back in before they take effect for logged in users.

-- hugh
It doesn't show the list at all (something like "you are not allowed to see this resource") or it doesn't show the records ("no data found")?
I had made "View List" and "View Records" Access Level set to Public and Super User was able to see them fine. I thought this is the way it should be. Until Troester's reply that anyone with some smarts can see this data.
Well Hugh. Troester. Could you tell me what am I doing wrong here? Its 5 AM here in India and now I need to sleep. Please post your replies and I will try to implement those.

Can you post a screenshot of your Joomla access level settings:
the one you've created

Which user groups are assigned to you Super User?

If you set View List and View Record to Public then it's --- public.
Screenshots attached

Hi again Troester,

Have attached Publi, Registered and Super User. I deleted the other group/ access level. I just want it to be restricted to these 3. I may need to add viewing for administrator, at the most.




  • Public.jpg
    31.6 KB · Views: 368
  • Registered.jpg
    33.7 KB · Views: 357
  • SuperUser.jpg
    32.2 KB · Views: 354
Your Super User group doesn't have Registered access level.
So editing the Registered accesslevel and checking Super User should solve your problem.

In Joomla2.5 access levels are inherited from parent group to child group (don't mix groups and access levels, even if they have the same names).

As you can see Registered group is parent of Author, Editor, Publisher so these all inherit the Registered access level.

But Registered group is NO parent of Manager (+Admin) and Super User, so these will only have Registered access level if you set the checkbox.

Works perfect, Troester. I only had to login and logout as Hugh mentioned - " Any changes to J!'s group membership and viewing access levels require you to log out and back in before they take effect for logged in users."

Thanks so much for your help.

Closing this thread

I have had to re-open this thread. The form in the front-end is again showing records entered by the last visitor. On its own. I updated Fabrik about 10 minutes ago and this happened. All the settings that were given to me are still there unchanged.

Now what do I do?

Do you mean a list is showing records not belonging to the logged in user
or in a form there's wrong data shown in fields (e.g. instead of being empty it's showing data from the last editor)?
This doesn't sound like a prefilter thing.
Check your form settings: "Save partially completed multi-page forms" should be NO

Or maybe your browser is set to re-display form data?
Clear browser cache and try again.

How do you call the empty form, with a menu item? which settings?
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