Strange behavior of grouping data


New Member
Hi everybody,
this is my first post in this group.
I'm a new user of this wonderful component, but I have good experience with the old FacileForm component.

Joomla 2.5.6 Fabrik 3.0.6 and last SVN update from Github.

I have a list of italian cities categorized by zone.
I have a simple list with these fields

  • id
  • date_time
  • name
  • zone
The associated MySQL table is "fbk_cities".

In my list view I want to group those cities by zone.
So I have set the "Group By" to "zone" and the "Front-end template" to "Zone: {fbk_cities___zone}".

When I go to the front-end and I view this list, I can't obtain the result I wanted.
What I see is "Zone: {fbk_cities___zone} ( 10 )" below the table header, instead above the table header, and a strange count in parenthesis while I didn't set up any counting.
And more, the placeholder doesn't work.

Where I am wrong?
The groupheading position is below the header (which is displayed only once), you can open/close the grouped record with the little triangle.

Count in paranthesis = number of records in this group.

The placeholder is working on my site, maybe you have a typo; the placeholder must contain the full element name (best is to copy/past from the element list)
But if you want to display only the "grouped" element you don't need to put anything into the template; then this element is inserted automatically.
The fact is that I've followed the tutorial "Table Grouping" and when I wrote "I can't obtain the result I wanted", I thought at the layout designed in that tutorial.
Maybe I'm making a mistake, because the tutorial was made in Fabrik 2 (right?) while I use Fabrik 3.
This could make a difference?

The placeholder, instead, isn't working on my site.
I have copied and pasted the full element name as you say, but in the front end it isn't rendered in the right way.
Maybe this is a bug? Because I followed "line per line" the tutorial above.

For the number in parenthesis, I've understood what was. Is it possible to remove it from the visualization?
Groupheading layout has changed in Fabrik3.

If you want to omit the (x) I would do it with a custom template:

Copy your list template folder, edit default.php, in line 74 (assuming you've copied the "default" template ) delete
( <?php echo count($group)?> )
and select this template in your list settings.

Placeholder: make sure to have no spaces inside the {}
Thank you Troaster, your explanations are very useful! Thank you again.

I have also found the problem for the placeholder: the problem was not in typing the full element name, but in a not correct use of it. In fact I was using the element of a DBJ table.
I'm sorry for that.

We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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