[Solved] Standard support ending in the next few days



I have got a mail that my standard support for a month is ending soon. I need to renew. Thanks for the mail. I will definitely think for this. However, I have few concerns which I am just narrating below -

I bought support to fix couple of issues which I was facing in Joomla 3 and Fabrik 3. Time and again I created few threads but unfortunately none was addressed and my problem still remains unanswered. In the past one month when my support was active, I got only one reply from Mr. Hugh. I simply went on bumping the tread but I did not get any answer which will fix my issue. In one of the thread someone asked about the link and I replied whether I can send the link and admin login credentials with PM but this was not answered at all.

Dear Sir....I am not complaining but what I asked was only 2-3 issues which could have been easily fixed by your team atleast in a months time. I would have happily renewed it if someone would have atleast shown some interest. Either you people are very busy and do not have time to attend the flimsy issues of mine or you do not think it is fit to answer the basic questions looking at your level of knowledge.

Your component is excellent and no doubt about it. I am using it without any problem. But the paid support is ultimately a paid support and should be atleast attended. You have created a free component which is excellent. But these are my concerns.

Thanks and regards
My apologies - we've had a tough time keeping up with support since I was out of commission for much of the last 6 months, due to unexpectedly long recovery from some serious spine surgery. We've made good progress in the last month, now that I'm pretty much back to full speed, but we are aware we still have a lot of catching up to do.

If you'd like to give me a list of your outstanding issues, I'll make sure they get resolved. If we can't get them resolved in time, we'd be happy to extend your subscription period.

-- hugh
See responses on those threads.

For #1, I'd need to get in to the back end, but the credentials / URL in your My Sites won't let me in to the back end.

For #2, I'm not sure what you are asking, I was fairly clrear that we'd need to be funded to add new functionality to the core. I gave you the changes you'd need to do it yourself with your own fork, and I added a couple of JS events so you'd be able to do it yourself in JS as an alternative to the PHP changes I gave you.

For #3, Troester just asked for clarification.

-- hugh
Update -

After creating this thread the support team was kind enough to address my issues well before my subscription gets expired. My special thanks to Hugh for replying to my posts at lightening speed.

In nutshell I simply had three issues -

1. CSS Problem in Filters - Fixed with the suggestions and help from Hugh and Troester
2. Dropdown Filters Elements customization - This required core code modification. However, this additional feature is already out and in github. I will test it and let community know whether this was what I wanted and solved my problem or not.
3. Option to set condition in advanced search - This also required core code modification. I have just requested the team to add this as feature whenever they get time.

That's all from me. My standard subscription is expiring today and I will be back with new subscription whenever the need arises. Thanks to the team and whole community.

Bye bye...

Glad we were able to fix at least most of what you needed. I'd be happy to trade a fresh subscription for adding that advanced search option. As you are the only person who has ever asked for it, it's unlikely to just get added "whenever we get time", as we simply don't have spare time, and new features only get added if a) they would be of use to 80% or more of our users (an old Microsoft rule of thumb), or b) get funded by the person who needs them.

-- hugh
Hi Hugh...Thanks for your post...just a small clarification -

I'd be happy to trade a fresh subscription for adding that advanced search option

Did you mean this functionality can be added if I buy one month's more standard subscription...? I would be more than happy to do this to get this feature for me....
I think that'd cover it. It'd use up most of your support time for the month, so I wouldn't really be able to do any other coding or much by way of complex question answering, but yeah. Every 20 euros helps keep the lights on and food on the table. :)

We don't really have a set limit, we just try and be fair.

-- hugh
Note that I wouldn't be able to do it till after 3.2.1 is out, we have to concentrate on just fixing any outsatdning bugs and getting the new release out. So it'd be at least a few more days till I could do it.

-- hugh
Glad we were able to fix at least most of what you needed. I'd be happy to trade a fresh subscription for adding that advanced search option. As you are the only person who has ever asked for it, it's unlikely to just get added "whenever we get time", as we simply don't have spare time, and new features only get added if a) they would be of use to 80% or more of our users (an old Microsoft rule of thumb), or b) get funded by the person who needs them.

-- hugh

Hi Hugh

Is there any progress on this...?
Dropped off the radar.

Can you summarize what you needed? I've read through both of the referenced threads, and am not clear on what we'd agreed on.

-- hugh
hi Hugh

1. What we agreed was that I will buy one more month standard subscription and you will fix one issue pertaining to advanced search.
2. As promised I bough one month subscription and I informed you in this forum and also sent PM to you.
3. We also agreed that I will not ask any other question during the subscription period except fixing this one.
4. As promised I did not ask any question and waiting for the fix.
5. You also said that you will need some more time since you were busy with fixing any outsatdning bugs and getting the new release out.
6. After passing 2-3 moths I though I will remind you.

This is what we agreed. Now the issues -

1. In the advanced search by default "Equals" is pre-set. I wanted an option in the backend to set condition of my choice. The structure of my site is such that if Equals remains as preset condition the search returns no result.
2. It should be somewhat a permanent solution so that the changes in code does not get overwritten when I update Fabrik.

Please let me know if you need anything else from my side. I have a test site and a live production site.

Hi Hugh

I have updated from the Github and it does give me an option in Lists - Filters - Default Statement. I can choose default statement and is working fine. However I still have one issue. When I click on Clear Filters the condition goes back to Equals and not the one set in backend. This creates confusion because the user will most likely clear the filters and use another keywords. Now this time he may not set the Condition and thus will have no results.

Is there any possibility that the Condition statement always remains at the default set in backend unless the user purposely set it at another level ?

Another point is that when a user changes the default condition, next time when he opens advanced search, the condition is preset to the last set condition by the user and not the default one. Is this also possible that whenever the advanced search is clicked the user always gets the condition preset at the default level...?

ok...i will try it and let you know....do i need to update once again from github to test this....?
working great....no problem....Thanks a ton Hugh....With this my two issues out of three are fixed....The only issue which I am having at the moment is regarding dropdown. It would be nice if you can guide me. It goes as under -

1. I have created a search form with the redirect plugin with jump url and use as search data option
2. I have created three elements with dropdown plugin and few sub options
3. The form is working fine.
4. However, I am having issue with creating an empty sub option for "Please select" label. I have tried with 0 value and validation plugin Is Not = 0 but it gives validation error.
5. I have also tried with wildcard values % and * but none worked.
6. If I create with " as value the Form does not return any results. This was suggested in one of the forum posts.

Ok... so what I want is that the Form should return the table as it is irrespective of the sub option selected. Thus if a user simply click on Save button without selecting any sub option the jump page should render as it is. At the moment if the user does not provide the sub options the records are shown with the first sub option value. It means it is pre-filtered with the first sub options. Can you please guide me what is the work around...? I simply want a value in please select label so that the list is not pre-filtered. Thanks in advance....

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