SOLVED - Resetting pagination clicking on a tagified word

A workaround should be set an url like the following in the element->Details-> Tagify->"Custom tagify URL"

But it would be useful to have a checkbox like "Resetting pagination" in the same tab.
If there is a better solution let me know...
Another workaround but it should be considered a self made solution:
  • Copy the file plugins/fabrik_element/textarea/layouts/fabrik-element-textarea-tags.php in templates/yourtemplate/html/layouts/com_fabrik/element/
  • Inside "foreach" loop add
  • and change href value to
    href="<?php echo $tag->url."&limitstart".$q['listid'].'=0';?>"
the result should be somethings like this
defined('JPATH_BASE') or die;

// Add span with id so that element fxs work.
$d = $displayData;

    foreach ($d->tags as $tag) :
        <a href="<?php echo $tag->url."&limitstart".$q['listid'].'=0';?>" class="fabrikTag"><?php echo $tag->icon;?> <?php echo $tag->label;?></a>
<?php endforeach; ?>

I hope it will be useful to someone
Your last solution, using the layout override, is the one to use. That's exactly what layout overrides are for, so you can modify (override) the behavior of Fabrik core features in an update-safe way.

-- hugh