[Solved] Rename a detail view PDF export

Form/details or list?

For forms/details PDF you can use ...components\com_fabrik\layouts\form\fabrik-pdf-title.php
for overriding the title.
Thanks, I did not know!

Do it exists a doc? I do not understand how put this, apply it to just one detail view, or how use the code.

We are gradually converting components of the List display to layouts. For example, you can now override the pagination links and footer. This can be done either globally, by copying one of the files in ...


... to ...


... or for a specific list, to ...


... where X is the numeric ID of your list, like list_7, and edit the file (like fabrik-pagination-footer.php) to suit.

... or ...


Form Layouts

Essentially the same as list layouts. See available layouts in /components/com_fabrik/layouts/form

But at least ./components/com_fabrik/views/details/tmpl/<yourtemplate>/layouts/fabrik-pdf-title.php
is not working:(

So I don't know what to recommend (beside hacking components\com_fabrik\layouts\form\fabrik-pdf-title.php directly)
OK, thanks, I can overrride it good !

But now I can not use my data, I have try many syntax but...not...

I do this for now:

defined('JPATH_BASE') or die;

$d = $displayData ;
$MyFirstname->model->data['profiles___firstname'] ;

echo $d->doc->getTitle() . '-' . $d->model->getRowId();

But I do not find how set my $MyFirstname in the echo.

defined('JPATH_BASE') or die;

$d = $displayData ;

$myFirstName = ArrayHelper::getValue($d->model->data, 'profiles___firstname', 'noname');

return $myFirstName;

If that element isn't found, it'll return 'noname'. If all you want to do is return the first name, you can shorten that to ...


defined('JPATH_BASE') or die;

$d = $displayData ;

return ArrayHelper::getValue($d->model->data, 'profiles___firstname', 'noname');

-- hugh
It needs to be in layouts/form/fabrik-pdf-title.php

I think it must be
echo FArrayHelper::getValue($d->model->data, 'profiles___firstname', 'noname');
Yeah thanks, it works !

In fact I would concatenate some fields in my data... To have a name like 'Firstname Lastname SomeText.PDF'...

But it seems not possible with this way, no ?
echo FArrayHelper::getValue($d->model->data, 'profiles___firstname', 'noname') . FArrayHelper::getValue($d->model->data, 'profiles___lastname', 'noname') . 'someText' ;
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