[SOLVED] Hiding tabs related to hidden groups in "bootstrap tabs"

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Haven't found any documentation of this yes - but I'll keep working.

I have a form that has a main group and multiple "repeated" groups. Currently using bootstrap tabs to render the groups as tabs. Not every group needs to be displayed in every case. That is based upon a dropdown on the main group. I can 'hide' or 'show' the group based on the value in the dropdown using java (the built in function), and the 'feilds' appear/disappear appropriately. But I want the "tab" to appear/disappear. It is confusing to my users to have a tab there which is "empty" and does not apply.

I took at look at the visibility section in the group - but there really is not enough detail to go on there.

Okay - been playin' here. Same problem, well limitation, exists with 'pagenated' groups. The pages do not go away, but the content of the pages does.

I dug into the template and source, paying careful attention to what happens when you "show/hide" groups on a live page. I can see where when I select an option that "hides" a group - the style to that group changes to fabrikHidden (or something like that, I've closed the windows). I need to apply the same thing to the tab legend when I select the items. I can do it manually in developer tools - add "display:none" to the element I care about.
But I need to know where in the fabrik code I can trigger it. Basically, the same behavior that causes the style for the group on the tab to change, (add .fabrikHidden), I need to do to the tab.

Any pointers on where to look.

Again - what I have it:

- Javascript on an element on the main "group"
- "On change" hide or show a group based on the content of the element.
- The groups appear and disappear, but the tabs do not.

I used the built in functions on the java, but I could write java code probably if I knew what to do....

I'm adding some code to the FX handling so it automagically hides/shows the group's tab. Watch the commit widget over there >>> for when it gets comitted.

-- hugh
Okay - I've been on the road myself for a couple of days, so I went back and looked at commits. I saw a commit on March 2 that seemed to be this.

I pulled the master down and installed (unzipped/updated).
However, I'm seeing the same behavior as before. The fields show/hide, but the tab remains.

I'm not a git expert. Perhaps I messed that up - I followed the directions on http://fabrikar.com/forums/index.php?wiki/update-from-github/
After the update - the version/dates all say 3.5.2 and January 2017 - so maybe I did not get the updates?

Nah - looks like the changes in the commit are on my site.

Note - I'm updating the "sites" information now - this is not the previous site.

The site is the aviation one.
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