[Solved] Fullcalendar: buttons and month in English



we have created the 'nl-NL' language file for the Fullcalendar-visualisation to get the Dutch language and translated the text (file "nl-NL.plg_fabrik_visualization_fullcalendar.ini" is residing in the "nl-NL" subfolder. But as one can see beneath, we still get to see some items in English. What can be the catch?

--- Arjan

These language files are for php output only.

It seems fullcalendar viz doesn't support languages at the moment.
If I add
$document->addScript($lib . 'lang/de.js');
in \plugins\fabrik_visualization\fullcalendar\views\fullcalendar\view.html.php
around line 214 (after $document->addScript($lib . 'fullcalendar.js') ;
I get the German output.
Thanks, strangely enough by default a lot of languages are already defined beneath the Fullcalender-substructure

--- Arjan
I assume "Fabrik" stuff (e.g. Add button...) is using the language, "fullcalendar" is not.
I can't see any lang/xx.js or lang-all.js be loaded.
Yup, we haven't gotten as far as adding language support to the Full Calendar JS part yet. I'll take a look now, it shouldn't be too hard (LOL!, I should know better than to say that).

-- hugh
Yep, that did the trick... Great modification Your Majesty! That wasn't too hard was it ;)

-- Arjan.
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Actually for once I didn't jinx myself by saying it shouldn't be too hard. Usually that's the kiss of death and it'll take days.

-- hugh