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    We have resolved the issue with the J! updater and this will be fixed in the next release.

Show group: If the condition is verified


I have a list with many groups (50) and many elements (200) but these groups and these elements do not need for all records. I then create calculated fields (that reading a configuration table) which can be 0 or 1, that define which groups to view by using javascript onload (hide this group if element_control !==1).

This solution works, but the page is very heavy because the query calls all fields and HTML page loads them all .. then the javascript hide those that do not need.

An ideal solution for me would be added to the group a condition of publication.

Now the field "Show group" have the values: Yes, Yes but hidden, ... , No
I need a new value "If the condition is verified" with the possibility to write a condition in PHP.

Can I ask this to Fabrik? (please, send me a quote for this customization)
I think this would be possible, by adding a new form plugin, something like canViewGroup. Unfortunately, creating new plugins is a time consuming thing, and I'd estimate a full day of coding to build and test it, and integrate it into our release provisioning, etc. So it won't be cheap.

@mediaateam will contact you and we'll take it from there.

-- hugh

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