Search results of database display in Map

Hello All,

I am experimenting with creating a map that displays your search results of a certain database. For example, if I type in a zip code, and I have a database of businesses (like yelp), I'd like to see the list of results and the locations near the zip code searched.

So far I have a Google Map set and ready to display content from a database, question is how do i connect this map's capability with search results display.

Any ideas ? Would really appreciate any pointers that can help me figure this out!

Thank you!
Hi mate,
i have not played around with the google maps plugin from Fabrik but maybe you can try it another way?
For my latest project at i chose the gmap3 jquery plugin.
What i did was this: i inserted the mentioned plugin and the markers themselves come from database content (i think like
what you are searching).

I hope you understand what i mean - sorry for my bad english explaining.
Hi cyberholic,

I'm using Googlemaps Plugin by Mike Reumer, from that side, things work just fine and I can display it as a module, now just need to make it display search results : )
ok, but how far has you come until now?
I consider you do the following:
1. Create a LIST called "all biznizzle" *cough*
2. Give that LIST the DEFAULT layout
3. Add a navigation point "Show all Business in a certain area" to that list. you can set that menu point access to SPECIAL
so that only you - once registered - will be able to play with that menu point. Change it later to PUBLIC as soon as everything is working out.

4. Go into the VIEWS/LIST/DEFAULT folder and copy that content to a new folder called "business_all"
5. When you check your LIST preferences in the backend now, you should be able to change the layout template from "default" to "business_all"

Now comes the hart part:
6. check the default.php file inside that folder. you can set a pre-filter via a DB query on top of that page and insert the map before or after your list.
Something like SELECT * FROM allThebusinesses WHERE zipCode BETWEEN 736363 AND 28827

7. echo out that result via a foreach loop like
$zipValues = "";
foreach ($blah as $meh){
$zipValues .= $meh->coordinates.",";

8. You will get something like a string full of the coordinates you need. And this value can then be inserted into the gmap3 code.

Hope you understood my solution. Greetings from here.
Login to your Joomla backend
Go to MENUS->MAIN MENU (or whatever your menu is called)
Once clicked MAIN MENU (or whatever), go to NEW
On MENU ITEM TYPE click on the SELECT button
choose FABRIK - LIST
Set a Menu Title like "All my entries"
Now choose the proper list from the dropdown


If you visit your website now, EVERYONE should be able to see the navigation point called All my entries
Go back to the backend of Joomla and there into the new created menu.
On the right side you an see a dropdown for "Access".
Here you set it to SPECIAL
So only if you - while on frontend - loginside (the frontent), will see this menu point.

Tell me if this worked out.
Btw. it would be a bit easier for me if you could provide a link.
So, i just want to verify, I'm looking into my component/com_fabrik/tmp/views/list/ folder and there is no "default folder" only a default xml. there is bootstrap and div folders (which are the template folder). Did you mean to say the Div folder instead of Default in your point #4?
mmmh, that is strange. ok. take the bootstrap folder instead. I had to use that one too, though i did not had a responsive layout but there were
some github versions only working with bootstrap.
So yes, try to use the bootstrap folder, copy it and go on with the other steps.
We should try to find out if you are working on the correct template so that we can go on with the other steps.

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