Schedule email


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Hello everyone, I'm new with Fabrik (congratulations!!!) and like it.
I've done a website where registered users can donate and receive schoolbooks.
So, there's a list "tbl_donations", a list "tbl_requests", and a list "tbl_donations_requests" which combines both others.
Every user can donate, receive or both.
When a book is given, donator marks checkbox element "given" to value 1, and the book is no longer available.
And by the other hand, the user who has received a book, marks checkbox element "received" to value 1.
Every user can check if there are books for him/her.
But I want to notify (via email). So they don't need to check every day...
Conditions for each user "receiver_id" is:
(All next elements are in "tbl_donations_requests")
Count rows where "given" is not 1 and where "received" is not 1
If result >0 (or maybe result is true?), send email to the user
Don't know how to proceed.
Any idea or any help would be appreciated.
Not yet. I try to include it. Element "email" is in list "tbl_register". And in the other list is the id of the user that should link to his/her email.
If the emails are in the same table, you could use the 'email' scheduled task plugin.

If they aren't, you'd have to write some custom code to do it in a PHP scheduled task plugin, looking up the email in the other table by hand.

-- hugh
Many thanks. I try to put the email in the same list.
And try to write the condition in the scheduled email plugin.
Make you know the result.
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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