Resizing field - won't save Bootstrap class. Stuck on col-sm6


New Member
I'm having trouble with a text field which is a bit too small to display all the text.
I have tried resizing ...Details......Formatting...Bootstrap class.
The current setting for Bootstrap class is col-sm6.
I'm assuming based on previous usage that maybe input-medium might work better.
No matter what I do I cannot change the Bootstrap class to another type - it always defaults back to col-sm6 (and yes I have clicked save!)

My only workaround is to make the element a text area, but this looks ugly compared to the rest of the form.
Select one of the bootstrap classes, the old ones are only showing up for backward compatiblity and "translated" to one of the BS classes (e.g. input-medium => col-sm-6, xxlarge => col-sm-12)
Thank you.
This is working for viewing data which has been entered in list view , but the input box on the form still remains the same size, and isnt showing all entered text.
This wasn't the case for my Joomla 3 site running the older version of fabrik, which allowed for a large enough input field to display all the data in the form field.
I'm running J5 with Joomla Art Purity IV template / Gantry 4.

I can type as much text as I need in the box but I cant see all of it, which makes checking and subsequent editing difficult.
Is there an additional way to alter how this field is displayed on the form e.g with CSS. I see list view settings CSS - does this apply to forms? Would it be Cell CSS ?
I can't replicate.
With col-sm-12 the input field has full width on my site.
Check with your browser console what is defining the width in your case.
Did you try with Cassiopeia template?
How does it look in the backend?

The element "Formatting" setting is only addressing form/details view, not list view.
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This does indeed seem to be template specific.
Cassiopeia renders it correctly.
Hopefully armed with this I can now solve - thank you