Remove Category Title from Search Display


New Member

I have a very simple setup.

One list titled "Found Extra Money".

With 3 Elements: ID, Name, Money.

When I search in the Joomla search box, it brings up:

Found Extra Money : Tomas F. & Leanne Lopez

I don't want the List Title "Found Extra Money :" showing in the search or advanced search results. How can I fix this?


Thanks for posting that. Github is new to me but hacking apart code is not. I blocked some time later in the this week to work on this. I will let you know how it goes.

Thanks again.

Thanks for the link, I looked at it and for me the search seems to be working, here's a video of me using it in chrome:
Which browser are you using? Also could you provide a more descriptive explanation than 'no longer works' - what are you testing with, what are you expecting to see, what actually happens etc.
Have you tried clearing your browser cache? May be after the update you still have some out of date javascript files cached.
Do you get any errors in the browser's javascript console?

I have tested in FF, Chrome, IE, Safari, Android.

The search box in your interface is working fine. Its my Joomla Ajax site search module that is not working.

As can be seen in the attached image, with the original plugins/system/fabrik/fabrik.php, when I type "tomas" into the ajax search module it works fine. It shows the list name "Found Extra Money :" this is what I need removed.

After I updated the code with that provided on GitHub for plugins/system/fabrik/fabrik.php, the search box never shows results. The working indicator graphic just sits there spinning indefinitely.

Please see the attached image.



  • fabrik_ajax_search_broken_1-24-14.jpg
    189.4 KB · Views: 381
After I updated the code with that provided on GitHub for plugins/system/fabrik/fabrik.php,
I hope you updated everything and not just one file? That might cause issues, as files call code in other files, so if they are not all at the same level issues may arise.

ajax search module
Sorry I'm not sure what that is - is that a core Joomla thing, or a third party plugin?

When i run that search I get the server returning a 500 Internal server error in the ajax request. Could you fill in your site details here ( with an ftp account and a super user account so I can log in a debug what is happening? Only me and Hugh can see any information you add there.
thanks for that, but I'm not sure that I'm connecting to the right site,
the ftp details connect to a folder with the file ferus-clean-responsive-multipurpose-joomla-theme-license.txt but if I try to go to I get a 404 error.

That being said, I could log in to the admin, and temporarily turn up the system error reporting, which then gave me an error I could work with and I think this commit:
fixes the issue.
Perfect! Thank you so much for the help, that fixed the problem. The search is now working as intended!

I will post a positive review in the JED and you can count on me to explore your software and it's possibilities further.