Problem with validation render

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New Member

Using Joomla 3.7.3, php 5.6 my form shows like this:

Whatever type of validation I chose it will render like this. Template is Helix 3. Fabrik version 3.7.

On other note I can't find where and how to translate date/hour:


Also I would like the pop up to go round the minutes too, but I figure it is somewhere on css. I'll try to dig that out...

Thanks for any help you guys can provide.
Hello Troester

Thank you for the quick reply.
Yes I have alt layouts:


Maybe this is not compatible with shaper helix3 ?
Is this with the latest Fabrik (3.7) and the latest alt layouts version?

I don't have helix3 but I think there was a thread about this issue and it was fixed (can't find it at the moment).
Yes, latest 3.7 and alt versions:


I'm searching the forums for helix3... Hopefuly I'll find how to sort this out.
Hello again.

I must apologize. There's no problem with Fabrik and Shaper Helix 3 template.
Problem with the form validation as I reported happens when you include the form with SP Page builder.
If I link in menu in standard way, then it works as expected. I'll try to find how to solve this within SP Page Builder :)

Thanks everyone!
Closed as sugested.
I'll dig in the code with sp page builder.
Form works with quix page builder, but quix lacks other features such as a good slider :)
On either, still have to improve modal box with hours and minutes. Text does not fit, and can't translate. Will keep on searching.
I've run across all kinds of issues with SP Page Builder and Fabrik, unfortunately. I have it loaded locally, and occasionally have another go at trying to find out what causes the issues, but so far no luck.

-- hugh
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