Problem with modal form add from join element


Hi I have a list "persons" witch has a join element from another list "phones" . I have all links in Ajax so to be updated in modal forms, The first time I try to click on add from the modal window list of phones I get 2 identical modal forms and a console error

databasejoin-min.js:3 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'close' of undefined
at Object.<anonymous> (databasejoin-min.js:3)
at c (mootools-core.js?167dee1d5080596664ffc8091e2a3302:124)
at HTMLFormElement.w (mootools-core.js?167dee1d5080596664ffc8091e2a3302:128)
at HTMLFormElement.m (mootools-core.js?167dee1d5080596664ffc8091e2a3302:119)

if I close those two modal forms and try again everything is working as expected

to clarify what I doing is
List Persons ( with join element phones) -> click to edit a row (modal window 1 with join element from phones list) -> click to edit phone list (modal window 2) -> click to add a record -> 2 identical modal windows of phones form one of them working and can add data and the other one not working also this error in console
the first one is the phone list changed to phones form and the other is duplicate
I also get a lot of these warnings
[DOM] Found 2 elements with non-unique id #phones___rel_person_id: (More info:

Any idea why this is happening?
Thank you very much
if I remove ajaxify links from phones list I see all modal windows again... everything is working as it should except that it refreshes the page on save and I also get the same error

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'close' of undefined
at Object.<anonymous> (databasejoin-min.js:3)
at c (mootools-core.js?167dee1d5080596664ffc8091e2a3302:124)
at HTMLFormElement.w (mootools-core.js?167dee1d5080596664ffc8091e2a3302:128)
at HTMLFormElement.m (mootools-core.js?167dee1d5080596664ffc8091e2a3302:119)

but the data is stored
if I close the form without saving and i try again nothing is happening when i click add and i get the same error

This also happens in Backend...
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