Problem in submitted form with many records repeated group



i have a form with a repeated group, when i send the form with 4 or 5 records in the repeated group it works fine, but when there are more records the data is recorded in database, but the successful message doesn't show and sometimes shows a 500 error Internal Server ... fabrik 3.3.3 and joomla 3.4.4
Sorry about the late response, this one fell through the cracks.

I'd have to see your setup. Which site / form is it?

-- hugh
I'm trying to work on it, but that Power Admin extension is obscuring the admin menu, which makes woring on the back end really hard:

Can you disable it?

The next thing I need to do is add the user you provided in your My Sites to the access for the list we're working on.

I think I see what the problem is, and I've unpublished a bunch of elements ... but need to get at the admin menu to get any further!

-- hugh
Can you also fix it so I don't get the "You are not authorized to view this resource" when I view list #12 as the user you gave me?

-- hugh
OK, the problem is your Marca CDD / Articulo join setup. You are trying to use something other than the PK of the Aritcolo as the 'watched' (FK).

When you set up CDD / join paris, your data has to be "normalized" correctly. In this case that means that your Articolo table would have to contain an FK element (usually a join) which point to the PK of the Marca table. And the Marca join on your form needs to use the PK of the Marca table as it's value.

You are trying to use a text value as the foreign key, which is going to cause problems.

-- hugh
Reply here when you've redone your setup, and I'll check it for you.

Is this a live site with existing data? Obviously if you change the value that your join stores, your existing data will no longer work, but that can be fixed by hand with phpMyAdmin (or whatever).

-- hugh
yes, this is a live site ... i did the changes ... but the problem persist ... I did several tests and found that the problem is the calc element and doesn't matter what value has this ... If i unpublished this element it works fine, but if i published it the error shows again ... I tested to create a new item but is the same ... Can you take a look please?
It's not the calc, it's your joins.

For instance, the qgpc2_app_inventarios_movimientos___supervisor join, which joins to the inventarios_master table and is using the supervisor_id as it's value ... but that isn't a unique identifier. There are hundreds of rows in the inventarios table with the same supervisor_id. So when we do the "JOIN inventarios_master ON inventarios_master.supervisor_id = inventarios_movimientos.supervisor", instead of that selecting one row, it's selecting hundreds.

Then the Marca join is using 'catagoria' as the value, instead of the id on that table, which again has dozens of rows with the same catagoria. So say there's 10 rows with that catagoria, and 100 rows with the supervisor_id ... for each repeat on one row you are selecting 1000 joined rows. So one page of your main table is probably trying to select a hundred thousand rows or so.

The value that you store for a join MUST be unique, preferably the PK (primary key) for that table.

-- hugh
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ok, i will work with that ... but the thing is if i disable all the databasejoin elements but calc element is active the form take a long time sending, instead if i disable the calc element and let active the databasejoin elements the form send faster
I changed the qgpc2_app_inventarios_movimientos___supervisor join, but the problem is the same, take a lot of time send the form and if there are more than five records in the repeated group shows internal server error ... if i unpublished the calc element everything works fine
I ran various test ... I send the form with five records in repeated group:
1. I send it with all databasesjoin elements enabled and the calc element disabled ... Take 6 seconds sending the form
2. I send it with all databasesjoin elements disabled and the calc element enabled ... Take 24 seconds sending the form

Is something wrong with the calc element ... i hope for your help, please