PHP 5.5

As far as we know. I'm using 5.5 on one of my test sites, although I'm still doing all my development against 5.4. Let us know if you run in to any 5.5 related issues, and we'll fix 'em. I suspect it would mostly be "developer" level issues, like deprecated warnings.

But there may be some actual warnings and notices generated, for things like using functions that return arrays as the input to other functions that expect their args passed by reference ... so traditional shortcuts for splitting up (say) comma separated strings, like array_pop(explode(",", "one,two,three")), which would return "one", will now generate a warning, and we have to turn that in to two lines, and assign the explode() to a variable first.

Anyway ... certainly nothing serious that I'm aware of. Just let us know if you see any notices/warnings, and we'll fix 'em.

-- hugh
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