PDF pagination (solved)


Is there way to get better PDF pagination?

After a long search I found the A4 setting in the DOMPDF and now it kind of breaks properly to the next page.
But it would be nice of I could create a footer with pagenumber and a header with a company logo.
Could this be possible? Any examples?

I also found that in the MyPDF template the group outro is missing:
Add this to get it working again:
<?php if ($group->outro !== '') {?>
<div class="groupoutro"><?php echo $group->outro ?></div>
<?php }?><br/>
Ah interesting. I had to set it also in the DOMPDF to get it properly aligned. Only setting it in Fabrik did not do the trick.
But it might have to do with the MYPDF template. I guess it is left from somewhere. I was under the impression it was a PDF example template. Will go back to bootstrap base and add the header and footer.
Thanks all solved in one go :)