Pagination doesn't work on frontend



I've got a problem on frontend.
No links for pagination is working.
When I click, the page stays on first pagination.

I'm using : Joomla 3.6.5, Fabrik : 3.5.1
I've got no error in firebug.

Could you help me ?

Best Regards
Sorry, I was on the road and missed you first post.

Do you mean list pagination, or the form pagination plugin?

Can you point me at the affected page?

-- hugh
Ah, well it looks like you are using a custom template, in which you've added the pagination section twice. Which might have been worth mentioning in the original post, if you've modified the pagination code, and have a problem with pagination. ;)

By duplicating the pagination section, it means you have two #limitstart form inputs with the same name/id. And when you hit a paginate button and our list JS sets the value from (say) 10 to 20, referencing it by ID ... only the first one gets set, and the form submits with two inputs of the same name, the second one still having the same unchanged original value ...

You might be able to work round this with some custom JS, in ./components/com_fabrik/js/list_2.js, like ...

requirejs(['fab/fabrik'], function() {
   Fabrik.addEvent('fabrik.list.navigate', function(list, limitStart) {

.... which would set both of the inputs, referencing them by name instead of ID. But I can't guarantee you won't run in to other issues because of having duplicate IDs in the form.

-- hugh