No related data on database join


Hi All,

I added a database join in table B with the value linked to the id of table A.

When I check the related data prperties of table A, there is no mention of the related database join in table B.

The really strange thing is that if I delete an old existing database join that has a correct working related data option and I recreate it again, the related data option is never coming back again!

So the problem seems to be in the (new) database join element.

I tested the Github of today in a 2.5.8. Joomla version.

Can someone help me, I really need the related data option to work with the database joins.


Hmmm, I don't seem to be able to replicate this behavior.

Here's a screencast of adding a new join element (to "CSV Test"), joining to 'students', then seeing it show up on the "Students" related data.

Can you confirm that what i did here doesn't work for you? Or do I need to test this some other way to see the problem?

-- hugh
Hmmm, I don't seem to be able to replicate this behavior.

Here's a screencast of adding a new join element (to "CSV Test"), joining to 'students', then seeing it show up on the "Students" related data.

Can you confirm that what i did here doesn't work for you? Or do I need to test this some other way to see the problem?

-- hugh