MySQL bug !


All of a sudden I get an error on all my lists in fabrik, here is one of them:

Fabrik has generated an incorrect query for the list Defekter:

SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS DISTINCT `nj37rjh_fabrik_defects`.`id` AS `nj37rjh_fabrik_defects___id`,
`nj37rjh_fabrik_defects`.`id` AS `nj37rjh_fabrik_defects___id_raw`,
`nj37rjh_fabrik_defects`.`user` AS `nj37rjh_fabrik_defects___user_raw`,
`nj37rjh_fabrik_defects`.`user` AS `nj37rjh_fabrik_defects___user`,
`nj37rjh_fabrik_defects`.`category` AS `nj37rjh_fabrik_defects___category`,
`nj37rjh_fabrik_defects`.`category` AS `nj37rjh_fabrik_defects___category_raw`,
`nj37rjh_fabrik_defects`.`date_time` AS `nj37rjh_fabrik_defects___date_time`,
`nj37rjh_fabrik_defects`.`date_time` AS `nj37rjh_fabrik_defects___date_time_raw`,
`nj37rjh_fabrik_defects`.`kayak` AS `nj37rjh_fabrik_defects___kayak_raw`,
CONCAT_WS('', nj37rjh_fabrik_kayaks.number,' (', nj37rjh_fabrik_kayaks.type,')') AS `nj37rjh_fabrik_defects___kayak`,
`nj37rjh_fabrik_defects`.`description` AS `nj37rjh_fabrik_defects___description`,
`nj37rjh_fabrik_defects`.`description` AS `nj37rjh_fabrik_defects___description_raw`,
`nj37rjh_fabrik_defects`.`is_done` AS `nj37rjh_fabrik_defects___is_done`,
`nj37rjh_fabrik_defects`.`is_done` AS `nj37rjh_fabrik_defects___is_done_raw`,
`nj37rjh_fabrik_defects`.`id` AS slug
, `nj37rjh_fabrik_defects`.`id` AS `__pk_val`

FROM `nj37rjh_fabrik_defects`
LEFT JOIN `nj37rjh_fabrik_kayaks` AS `nj37rjh_fabrik_kayaks` ON `nj37rjh_fabrik_kayaks`.`id` = `nj37rjh_fabrik_defects`.`kayak`
ORDER BY `nj37rjh_fabrik_defects`.`date_time` DESC

Only thing I have done is updated Joomla every once in a while - but do I also need to update Fabrik to the lates nightly - has there been any breaking changes ??? I use Fabrik stable version 3.9.2
Try running this sql through phpmyadmin or mijosql. They will give you a better idea of which line is causing the problem. The error should show you a near message.
All of a sudden I get an error on all my lists in fabrik
If you didn't change anything - was there any change on your server (php version, DB version, php limits)?
Did you check your Fabrik connection?
I have had similar errors in lists with multiple joins when accidentally disabling one of elements. Please check all the elements stated in the SQL query are enabled and the user has access rights on them too.