Issue with element validations

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Well-Known Member
With GitHub 273, there is a bug whith elements validations:

When you click on "add", you get two plugins instead of one. However, you can fill the first one and it seems to work.
When you come back for editing, you have to choose which plugin it's supposed to be to have access to the settings.

On existing validations (on elements created before the upgrade), all the validations are "doubled" with empty ones.

I made a screencast for this :
I think I've fixed the initial issue, with the validations occuring twice. I couldn't replicate the one from git 328, but perhaps I fixed that already?
Hi Rob.
After Git 342, the validation doubling has stopped and I can add new ones.
But the problem is still there for form plugins (list plugins are OK): all plugins are doubled.
very odd! Not sure what the difference between the code was between the list and form views, but I've changed the form view so that it behaves correctly./

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