• Payment Plugins Poll

    We need your feedback on the need for updated payment plugins. Please go here and give us your feedback.

  • Joomla 5.1

    For running J!5.1 you must install Fabrik 4.1
    See also Announcements

  • Subscription and download (Fabrik 4.1 for J!4.2+ and J!5.1) are working now

    See Announcement
    Please post subscription questions and issues here

    We have resolved the issue with the J! updater and this will be fixed in the next release.

Incompatibility Fabrik / Sellacious


I paste here the discussion that I opened on the Sellacious Forum (the most powerful eCommerce component for Joomla I've ever tried):


My Question:

I don't know if it is Sellacious that is not compatible with Fabrik, or the other way around, but I need to use both software.
I did this test with Sellacious 1.7.3 and with Sellacious 2.0 Alfa2, and the problem is the same.
After installing Fabrik, this error appears in frontend and backend:

Fatal error: Cannot declare class Joomla\CMS\Form\FormField, because the name is already in use in my_root/administrator/components/com_fabrik/classes/39/FormField.php on line 22

Do you have any idea what the problem might be?

The Sellacious Team Answer:

Hey, Paolo I just confirmed with the tech team, and you getting this error because when Fabrik component installs, it changes the core form field loading files of Joomla to work. Sellacious work considering that Joomla core fields are available but because Fabrik has changed that file, Sellacious can not use them. There is also no direct way to fix as the core is changed which should not be.

Please, could you comment on this topic?

Thank you