Image element and Javascript

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Ok it turns out that it was a javascript error that was not allowing me to change the image .. I ve found it but everytime I press a button element on a form a get this error Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefinedwhat is that?
ok the page is under development under Wamp Server.. I ve put it online through dynamic dns (no-ip) checked and it works. The url I provided to my-sites points directly to the form you are gonna see two buttons under a avatar image first one opens up a file loader and the second one does nothing if you press any of them you are going to see the error in the console thanks
Thanks I could see the bug, but as the js is loaded compressed I can't tell what line number is actually causing the issue. If you fill out a super admin account in I can log in and tell fabrik to load up the uncompressed js files, which will then allow me to debug the code.
I put the uncompressed javascript for fabrik and the error now is here
Fabrik.fireEvent('fabrik.form.submit.end', [this]);
if (this.result === false) {
this.result = true;
// Update global status error
} else {
// Enables the list to clean up the form and custom events
if (this.options.ajax) {
Fabrik.fireEvent('fabrik.form.ajax.submit.end', [this]);
} else {
// Inject submit button name/value.
new Element('input', {type: 'hidden', name:, value: btn.value}).inject(this.form);
}, cannot be found (Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined )
OK, I'm a little confused.

Those buttons seem to be trying to kick off an upload element, by doing:


Which just isn't going to work.

Can you be a little more explicit about what you are trying to do, and the relationship between your 'avatar' image element, and the file upload element?

As far as I can tell, you don't really need the image element at all, you could just be doing this with an upload element?

-- hugh
Forget about the code you saw in the page or the image element... maybe I should had made a new post so I dont confuse others.. even in an empty form with no javascript from me if I have an empty button element and press it I get this javascript error

and this code does work for me. It didnt work for you?
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